Juan Valverde

Zelda was the game that will be most remembered this year. Even though Mario was a lot of fun, it was another sandbox Mario game, done before. It didn’t feel fresh, just prettier and lots of fun. PUBG is one of those games that will probably get better and better for the community that players much like DOTA is as the

Is Nier that good? Now I have to play it!

Why? The only thing Horizon did is have amazing graphics and production values. Other than that it’s just another good open world game. Battle mechanics are great, graphics are awesome, story is kind of cliché and uninspiring, side quests are generic, camera view and editing is average (for cutscenes) and that’s about

Exactly, I am almost 40 years old and been reading reviews for games for years. I know that opinions are very subjective and should read several to see if the info they give is relevant to you and will influence your decision for buying the game. I decided that I wanted to give Xenoblade 2 a chance, but I know that

Jason is a big JRPG fan, so I think it makes perfect sense for him to review it. Even if he didn’t like the first game, he has an opinion, plays a lot of JRPG’s and should be able to give a good opinion about this. If you just want to read positive reviews go elsewhere, I bought the game and will play it and have my

Hey Jason, I was listening to the podcast and was waiting for your Xenoblade Chronicles 2 opinion. I like you am a big JRPG fan as I grew up playing them and have always loved them. I stopped playing the Xeno line of games when the saga games came out, their long tedious cutscenes made it almost impossible to play

Horizon Zero Dawn and Super Mario Odyssey....

So nintendo keeps dominating console sales

I love linear games. I got tired of open world games. I really don’t have as much time as I did in the past to spend so much time exploring. I have limited playing time every day and try to have “experiences”. I hate very long games, I just don’t have time for them. The Switch made a game like BoTW much more

Its funny because I missed HZD back then because of Zelda, I recently bought it and felt the same way. It doesn’t feel as good as it would’ve felt if I had played it before BoTW. HZD just goes the safe way and tries to improve on a proven formula. Its better than others in some areas and sometimes not as good. I do

I kind of agree with the writer, I have both the PS4 and Switch and enjoy every good game that comes out for both systems. (I always like to have two just to be more open and unbiased). The fact that I played Zelda before Horizon pretty much ruined my experience for the PS4 exclusive. Zelda makes open world games like

Totally agree, it took me several days to finally be able to get into HZD. Zelda ruined it for me. I love the graphics and animation, also love the main character but there are several annoying things about it, first, its not very cinematic, every single conversation has exactly the same camera movement, it looks very

how can a game be the best game you’ve ever played but have bad gameplay? I think The Witcher 3 has great gameplay, but is below the polish a Super Mario Odyssey or Breath of the Wild have. These two are practically perfect controlling games while Witcher has better story elements and content while being good on the

And you think other sports are different? boy.... naivety. Check out this book: The Fix is In. You’ll see that the same thing happens in other sports, specifically Soccer and the NFL.

I haven’t been able to get into the original one.... It doesn’t capture me.

I don’t agree. I found remakes to be cool for a few hours and then die in my library of new games after the nostalgia factor ends.

Concerning? The Switch has been out for 6 months, first year titles usually look like this. Specially third party.

People forget how PS4 and Xbox one first year titles looked. They were sharper versions running at 60 fps of their 360 and Ps3 counterparts. I think yhe switch is doing quite well fact being that a lot of these companies are testing the waters with it. Come end of year two i’ll start judging a little closer. For now

I started playing it: excellent voice acting, beautiful graphics and music. Its definitely a SNES JRPG’s fans dream. Can’t wait for the full version.

Arghh me too, Im 72 hours in and cant finish it. Its too long! Have FFXII waiting there...