Juan Valverde

Hey Jason big fan of the podcast and your website. I have to say that playing FFXII remaster has made me realize how good these games really were. I’ve been playing Persona 5 for the last few months and can’t get down on finishing it. Is it me or is that game way too long? I just think it gets way to repetitive and

It will, it didnt click for me back then (it was on the PS2 by the way) and I’m loving it today.

Just bought this game. Its hilarious! The first part in the Karaoke had me laughing out loud. Dialog is wonderful and voice acting is great. The story is very engaging and deep. Like that. What I don’t like is the actual gameplay. It feels dated, specially after finishing Final Fantasy XV that with all its

I agree though... I think that a lot of people will still play this game later this year and it will be much better. Remember how Final Fantasy XIV sucked in the beginning and they totally remade it? Yeah... it can happen..

I’m pretty much like you, even though I wanted to play the DLC, I decided I wanted a new experience. I put in more than 100 hours into The Witcher and think that was enough for me. I work and have a wife and really don’t have that much time for video games like I used to so now I have to pick and choose. Final

Well, they also ignore most movies in the world. The Oscar’s are still an American Awards Show, not an international film festival. Yes, sometimes they’ll acknowledge foreign films in certain categories but that’s a rarity. I remember Pan’s Labyrinth, a Mexican Film (not from Spain like many think) was nominated

I thought it was by far the best dungeon in the game. The fact that it took me five days to complete makes it special. Its clever, incredible looking and it matches anything Zelda has ever done. Loved it.