Juan Valverde

For a website that usually promotes social justice and stuff like that, this seems highly contradictory.  

The more I read the comments the more I realize that people that are hating or trashing the game are the same people that can’t stand someone else also being succesful at anything. Yes, we understand you love Horizon, but that doesn’t mean this game is trash just because a lot of people find it better. You can still

It’s very subjective and each game appeals to different kinds of people.  No wrongdoing there.  Everybody has different taste.  I for one hated Bloodborne the first time I played it, but much like Phantasy Star II back in the early 90's, I gave it a second shot and oh boy.   I’m a fan of story driven games, but this

37 minutes is not finishing the game, this is like running a marathon and just walking to the finish line without running the 26 miles.  This is just beating the last part of the game fast with a shortcut.  

Agree, maybe if you’re running a business you should know what you can and can’t do.  Maybe that will help them not get their 3 year work banned.   I just can’t believe people don’t understand that there’s rules you need to follow and come out and cry about it.   

Thankfully the original game is still there for you to play that way your memories are not destroyed.

I’m about to start all over thanks to you!  I can’t wait for Sekiro though, so I’ll use this one while I wait. I just finished a very modern PS2 game called Kingdom Hearts 3, visually stunning but dated in level design, so I can’t wait to go back to something that is modern and not a clusterf like KH.

So, after finishing Bloodborne I went directly to Dark Souls 3 and found out that even though it’s also really good, it can’t compare to Bloodborne. The pacing, lore, darkness, world, design in Bloodborne is superior. The good thing about DS3 is that it does refill your Estes which is the equivalent of the recovery

I don’t recommend doing NEW GAME Plus,  having your characters at the top form makes the game super boring.  I did exactly what you’re starting to do.  Try doing it the way a new person would do it.  It will be much much better. 

Yeah, they’re ok, but far from classics.   Nothing these movies do hasn’t been done before, there’s no element of surprise.  They still use the same old cheap Hollywood tricks that get a lot of kids excited, but far from making them the cream of the crop of cinema.   This year was not that great but it did feature a

Because they’re not that great. They’re good entertainment but really forgettable.   Just saw Black Panther again with my wife as she hadn’t seen it, and yes, it was good, but it was far from great.   There’s nothing we haven’t seen before 1000 times.  It doesn’t offer anything other than a different protagonist and a

Multiply that by hundreds, and it’s just a waste of time.

Realistic mostly never relates to fun.  

I love a lot about this game, looks very modern but “feels” very dated.  Controls are not the best and it’s easy to accidentally kill somebody because of bad controls. That’s unacceptable in a modern game. 

Me too, but unfortunately most people don’t play RPG’s, specially JRPG’s.

And to be honest, they can always leave...

This is such a great game, I love JRPG's, but this might be the top game in the genre in a long time. 

Buy this car that has no battery.....

So they were in a hurry to announce and still don’t have the licensing for the final list of games.   Sloppy.   I won’t pre-order if I don’t know what games are in.  It’s way too expensive. 

I thought GGG edged it again, yes it was closer, but he was the winner. He shouldn’t be 0-1-1 vs Canelo, he should at the very least be 1-0-1 or 2-0 against him. It’s a great injustice. As someone said, it’s the same if you steal 1,000,000 or 5 dollars, it’s still stealing!