Juan Valverde

I have played FF7 approx 35 times in the last 22 years of my life, I’m not playing FF7R expecting FF7, I’m playing FF7R for a BRAND NEW VISION of the game I played 22 years ago.

Also, this might explain the deletion of the tweets:

Um...my NES Classic AND SNES Classic Editions both came with the AC adapter...so...why are they saying it didn’t? I even pulled both of them out JUST to make sure I wasn’t remembering it wrong lol. 

You’re pretty much describing the experience of buying electronics in general. The price will keep dropping. Just wait until a price point you feel comfortable with, and get it. Otherwise you’ll be waiting forever.

I actually think the story is freaking awesome and Ardyn’s story is absolutely epic.

Tomb Raider was way more enjoyable for me than any open world game. Rise of the Tomb Raider being XB1 exclusive originally was the reason I chose it over PS4.

That’s how I feel about Morrowind personally, which is easily one of my favorite games: I love everything about that game except actually playing it. The combat is wonky as all hell, the progression is completely busted, and it’s generally a glitchy mess, and that was all true even by the standards of the time when it

how can a game be the best game you’ve ever played but have bad gameplay?

Same here, gonna play Persona 5 when I can squeeze it in. Just came back the school trip in-game, around mid-September. I feel like there’s a decent amount of game left.