
I usually run around helmetless, but to be fair the customization in the game is not all that in-depth. Pick your head, hair, and makeup, that’s about it. I’m hoping D2 has a lot more options than D1.

No, Destiny has no monthly fee.

Yeah, there’s no way you could push your head through a monitor, even if you grabbed the sides and pulled it towards you. Even then, let’s say you push hard enough to get your head through (which, again, is impossible), it wouldn’t make a head-shaped hole, it would deform the back plastic and push everything out of

I don’t go that far, personally I’d have a hard time buying anything in an automatic. In this very specific case (a car designed with the singular purpose of going fast in a straight line) I agree a manual makes no sense. But that’s also one of the biggest reasons I’m not that interested in it. I’m quite curious to

It’s not everywhere, but yeah, most places you’re good to 10mph over the speed limit. Here in Atlanta you’re good to 15 over on the highway. Last night I was driving back from the airport doing 80mph in a 65 zone and getting passed by multiple people.

Occasionally they’re used for side missions, so it’s good to have them on hand, but yeah, for the most part they’re only good for scrap.

Except this is billed as the ultimate factory street-legal drag racer, so a manual makes no sense anyway. Manuals suck for drag racing, they’re just more fun.

Yeah, considering how much she carries around these components must be teeny tiny. I pretty much only used the sling for the freeze hunter trials since it was the only freeze weapon I had. Other than that it’s sat in my inventory. I should really start playing around with more weapons, but I have a pretty defined

I only recently upgraded to the Lodge Ropecaster (or shadow, can’t remember) so maybe I’ll use it more often, but I was running the basic green one for a long time so it just sat in my inventory. I’ll play around with it.

It’s just a strange way to describe something. I’m interested to know what did actually happen now.

My kid gets all of the games by their names (he’s 5) except Horizon. That one is the Robot Dinosaur game, same as yours. Probably because that’s what I call it.

Ah, see, I never ever use the sling. Fire arrows are pretty much solely used on glinthawks. I do us the blast tripcaster quite a bit lately, but not nearly as much as I just stealth kill the crap out of everything. I sell blaze every time I happen upon a merchant.

I was thinking more along the lines of “what can we do to get this thing away from our property?” Now there’s no “downer” when people drive by the Chevron refinery, the dad is happy (what does it mean “an accident ‘involving’ a drunk driver”?), and they get good press. Everybody wins, nothing wrong with that.

I’ll admit I’ve never sold wire, but I’ve never had less that 2+ stacks on hand.

Because stealth? I only really use the ropecaster to pull storm birds down into a 10-tripwire trap.

Huh...I haven’t finished the main story yet but I’ve never run out of any materials for crafting. Maybe I’m just too reliant on stealth kills and headshots? The only things that use a lot of ammo to kill are Deathbringers and Storm Birds. Everything else has workarounds that limit the amount of ammo used.

I love this game too, and prior to release it didn’t even show up on my radar. It’s amazing how well almost everything in the game works, how beautiful it is, and how well it plays. I’ve been working on the story and side missions at the same time, but I almost don’t want to finish it because I know once I do I

Just FYI, you’ve hardly progressed at all, and the story doesn’t really pick up until you get to Meridian. I wasn’t really interested in it much until after that point, but it really does get much better.

How are you running out of anything in this game? After every side mission I have to go to a merchant and sell Blaze, chillwater, sparkers, and metal vessels (along with other assorted crap) just to have some room in my inventory. Do you not loot things?

This is what first cars are for, and why kids should have crap for their first cars. One way or another they’re going to ruin the thing. My first car was a ‘66 Pontiac that needed absolutely everything mechanically fixed on it. Swapped heads (huge mistake, the ones on it needed new valves but were much better than