
You’re certainly entitled to your opinion, but maybe you could elaborate on what exactly you found to be boring. Because at this point it sounds more like you have a bit of a crush on 3 old men and no one else will do.

I watched it last night and found myself laughing more than I did at any point during the first season of Grand Tour. I oddly didn’t enjoy the Ferrari film much, I think mostly due to my general feelings towards pointless playthings for rich people that aren’t even road legal (why not just buy a used race car for

He literally admitted to living with his mom, and his communication skills are worse than my 5-year old’s. I think we can just say he’s a troll and leave it at that.

You got to watch the show because your “mum” was away for the night? I really don’t understand this mindset of “if it’s not Clarkson it sucks”. I laughed a lot more at this episode than I have at Top Gear in a very long time, and certainly more than I did during the entire season of Grand Tour. I guess what they

You’re a horrible person.

I thought Evolve went free to play sometime last year?

I’ve seen multiple people watching really graphic sex scenes on their laptops on planes. Usually the ones offered by the airline have been pretty censored so they’re not too bad, but some people have no issue showing the whole banana on their personal device.

That looks so much better! The 400-285 interchange is horrible in almost every direction.

Union in Texas? I thought that was illegal.

It’s a Smart car, you just need a few guys to move it around. A forklift is cheating.

I can see how the weaving could bother you, especially if she’s doing it dangerously, but isn’t it best to get that person as far away from you as possible? Boxing them in is only going to exacerbate their unpredictable behavior.

I also downshift 2 gears, but floor it at the same time. That also tends to scare them off most of the time.

Nah, it’s cool, it has a secure radio channel.

I didn’t realize they were doing this until you mentioned it (400/285). As if going to the airport didn’t suck enough already (my daily commute is east/west, so I avoid 400).

Yeah, I don’t get it. The single clutch is more exciting because it shifts slower and worse!

I couldn’t care less if people want to use M&K for singleplayer. Using it in multiplayer when 99% of the other players are using a controller is just a douche move, and there’s no arguing against it.

Whatever helps you sleep better at night as you rip off sick headshotz, bro.

For competitive multiplayer games? Sure, why not? For single-player games I couldn’t care less. Or, alternatively, come out with official M&K support and let people choose. I guarantee you’d hear a lot of crying from everyone using M&K right now because they lost their advantage.

It’s ok, he can’t take having a level playing field on PC so he moved over to console where he can have an advantage. You’ll never get him to admit it, so you might as well stop trying.

That’s exactly the reason you use it. You suck with a controller, so instead of practicing like most people you cheat the system and use hardware that the majority of people don’t have access to. You intentionally play on an uneven playing field.