
No...no they didn’t.

You’re not thinking about it correctly. Yes, this would make a terrible vehicle on-road, but have you driven the cars available at this price point? Because I have, and I would take a CheapJeep over every single one of them. 

This is the best idea you’be ever had, Jason. And you’ve had a LOT of ideas. Even at $15k (which I suspect is a more realistic price), this thing would sell like hotcakes. The only change I would make from your concept is a bit higher ride height, which wouldn’t change the pricing any. Otherwise it’s perfect and

The problem is that if this was F1, the lead driver would have turned straight into him. It seems like F1 drivers believe their cars are invincible and have no issues putting their car in the same space as someone else’s.

That’s all? Just because people are choosing to buy their SUVs over their cars (or anyone’s cars for that matter) does not mean they don’t produce them. They have competitive vehicles in nearly every class and niche, I’m not sure what else you want from them.

What are you talking about? Did you even read the article? GM is posting record profits and have been for the last few years. They’re doing everything right and are making craploads of money doing it. The issue is investors are pissed at getting screwed by the bailout (hint: it did not help the shareholders) and

My car has a “6.0L” badge even though it was the only engine available that year (the previous year was 5.7L). However, I think in this case it’s OK, because the car looks like it has a V6, so people may want to announce that they indeed have a glorious V8. Unfortunately it seems most people mistake the “6.0L” badge

“For the love of the sport” should read “To attempt to legitimize a dictatorial regime of cover up multiple human rights violations”. Then Bernie would be right there with you.

Companies wanting to turn a profit? What kind of crazy capitalist BS is this? Don’t they know that only the FIA and Bernie are assured of profit from F1? They should be honored to even be considered to be allowed to have F1 grace their doorstep.

I forgot a couple of mine (my post didn’t make it in here, but I just remembered more). Heading back from the mountains one night with some other GTOs, we were stopped at a red light next to each other. Of course, me and the other guy took off (it was a highway, 65mph speed limit). As I hit 2nd gear, I look in my

Or just find somewhere that will let you try it for free. This is like if Best Buy charged you to look at their selection of 4K TVs.

This way his car was out of commission for maybe an hour. Taking it to the dealer removes it from his possession for a minimum of a day, more likely 2-3 days. Not to mention needing someone to give him a ride back from and to the dealer.

For me it’s somewhere between my car with longtube headers, catted midpipes, and flowmasters, and my car with longtubes, catted midpipes, and no mufflers. Before I put the cats in the midpipes it sounded perfect. Now it’s just slightly more tame thanI would prefer.

Nope, some may, but many do not. There have been multiple articles about it on this very site.

Gotcha. I think 90+ happens really often out there, though.

The funny part is that you’re wrong. Many states have rules that if you are impeding traffic in the left lane, regardless of if you’re at or above the speed limit, you can receive a ticket. If you need proof, ask your dad about it.

You have a very low definition of crime.

Legit if he was holding up traffic.

1. Friends and I in high school took my big blue boat (‘66 Pontiac Ventura) out for off-campus lunch one day, and there was some construction just down the street. There weren’t any workers around, and my friend told me to drive close to the construction cones, which I happily did. He stuck his book bag out the

I’m sorry, but other than being based on a true war instead of some made-up one, how is BF1 different from any other multiplayer/singleplayer FPS? Most of the ones I’ve played take a much more serious tone in the single player and a basic “you’re on Blue team, go beat Red team” approach to multiplayer.