
Re: slinky, talk about plastic deformation, amirite???

You were 15 when the second Transformers came out? I feel really old now.

Yes, my thinking was “oh, crap the door.” Quickly followed by “why are you staring at the door!? You’re going 174mph!”

I’ve got a video online of me doing donuts with my kid in his car seat. This was in a huge open empty parking lot in the rain, so I was only going maybe 15mph, but apparently that could get my car confiscated in Australia. Ridiculous.

Good point, apparently his neighbors didn’t even complain.

Press release + renderings do not a car make. Maybe they really did it, but why show a rendering instead of the actual car? Not finished yet?

I definitely wouldn’t let my 5-year old do a burnout in my car, and even I wouldn’t do a burnout in my driveway. That said, I’d like to think that if I did, my car wouldn’t get confiscated. This is ‘Murica. If you’re on your property you get certain protections, like not having your car confiscated. Unless you

I attempted to top out every car I got in as a teenager. Fortunately out Suburban was limited to 98, and our Camry was limited to around 112 (and took forever to get there). My ‘66 Pontiac’s speedometer only went to 120, and I pegged it a few times but I would guess I only actually hit 105-110 or so.

Probably a ticket for disturbing the peace, but certainly not a car confiscation.

They can confiscate your car for doing a burnout on your own property? That’s ridiculous!

If 10% of the gaming community cares, I’d say it warrants articles. That’s a huge number of people.

That’s fine and all, my point is we have much more pressing matters to attend to than things that may become an issue in 2090. The article makes it sound like we’re in some kind of emergency crisis due to climate change, then throws in this “oh yeah, thanks to climate change it actually won’t be a problem until

That’s some movie-level carnage, right there!

Hah, I doubt it.

Does anyone else find it really weird that someone is making fun of the way someone else tried to make their life difficult? I guess I shouldn’t be surprised at immaturity from either a shop or a professional athlete, just found his mocking of paying in nearly organized coins odd.

Justin, coins are technically cash.

This was my entire take from this story. I’m assuming the job wasn’t finished?

Except it’s currently under 114' of ice, so other than bickering about political concerns that will completely change by 2090 there’s nothing that can actually be done. Once the ice starts to melt and there’s a possibility of actually accessing the site, let’s reassess the situation then (if the US or Greenland even

So the ice has more than quadrupled and is still increasing, and shows no signs of stopping until possibly 2090 based on models? Seems like something we should put on the back burner for now.

This is the most exciting news I could hear about this game. If it felt like a big expansion on Destiny I’d be pissed. I’m tired of the gun types and economic system of Destiny, and I don’t want to be punished for not grinding all 3 characters in D1 up to the light cap.