
I’d really rather not talk about this topic at all, but if you bring it up I’ll begrudgingly oblige.

Apparently Mustangs make better missiles than cluster bombs.

I think I saw that one too, but he only managed to take out his car and a tree. Mustangs aim for pedestrians, as evidenced by this story. It’s just a good thing there were so many, as it tried the cluster bomb approach and ended up missing them.

Yep, that one made the rounds of the GTO forum and they were all banned for life. To be fair, though, this was in the northeast where they somehow think it’s a good traffic idea to have stopped cars merge directly into 60+mph traffic. Couple required heavy acceleration with RWD and people leaving a car show, and

Yes, but both of these should be communicated through the wheel and audio, not the pedals. That’s nice that they are, but it’s not realistic at all, and I say this as someone who has experienced quite a bit of pickups and tire spin in real life.

Very cool. I’d also bet this “car” has a lower CD than a streamlined motorcycle, no?

Except now I have to carry an adapter with me along with my headphones. Also, my phone was plugged into my laptop at the time (transferring pictures), which would require me to have an aftermarket adapter. All of this could be avoided by just including a 3.5mm jack, and they could still use the Lightning port as an

Indeed, but “race moms” are an incredibly small percentage of the population. “Race dads” is a small percentage as well, but larger than “race moms”. My point is the majority of women and the majority of men tend to go for different things in vehicles. Otherwise there would never be any arguments when a guy wants

It’s sad that I only have 1 star to give, but it’s all yours.

Really not that impressive. They went with an iron block and I’m sure put head studs in it, then dialed the boost to the moon with an optimized intake tract. What’s more impressive is that they hit 260mph with around 200hp. I’m more interested in the aerodynamics than the engine.

I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what I said, there’s a huge degree of overlap. See every car made by Toyota for evidence. The fringes are where the differences lie, and where we can really start to see the needs and wants of different groups.

And would you say this is a common persuasion among the moms at the bus stop? Even among men, being truly interested in cars only applies to maybe 10-15% these days. Among women the number is significantly lower.

Well played, I retract my statement as the facts clearly prove otherwise.

Not exactly. I know it’s not kosher to say, but men and women do have different tastes and needs in a vehicle. Obviously there is a lot of variation and overlap within and between the groups, but there’s a reason Lamborghinis are almost exclusively bought by men (just as an example).

Only that’s BS. Your headphones that you plug into the adapter (that you have to buy) will still be going through a 3.5mm jack, so their whole BS about audio quality is just that.

Ours in the south runs from the beginning of time to the end of time.

I’m just shocked to see it’s a beige Camry.

Cool, didn’t know that. Makes sense, thanks.

Psshh, everyone knows what the 3 seashells are for!

Your girlfriend makes you hold her purse when you’re driving? That doesn’t seem very safe.