Yep. Fuck him. I’m sure his “I’m RICH, BIATCH” shtick will be ably supported by the fucking Larry the Cable Guy set.
Yep. Fuck him. I’m sure his “I’m RICH, BIATCH” shtick will be ably supported by the fucking Larry the Cable Guy set.
In case you were wondering if Dave Chappelle has gone full asshole, yeah, he’s apparently willing to pull all his investments out of a town if poor people move there.
Fight Club is one of those works that seems to be least understood by its biggest fans.
“They made me beg! Ask for a Lambo, get a Lexus. Ask for a mansion, get a condo. Ask for a pound of dank and some Molly, get a lecture on substance abuse. Eventually you start to take this shit personally."
I’m one of the few people (I guess?) who has never liked Tom Hanks. At all. I find him creepy. His characterizations in his early films, and even the later ones, present him as a total charmless sack of arrogance. Is it weird that he doesn’t do ‘sex scenes’? And, for some reason, I keep forgetting that he is not a…
Hmm. If you get confused about whether you’re rich or poor, you’re rich.
“People assume that I just live this super privileged life, like Richie Rich, and that just wasn’t the case. It was actually the opposite. They never gave me an allowance.”
2:22 in: “People assume that I just live this super privileged life, like Richie Rich, and that just wasn’t the case. It was actually the opposite.” [marina in the background]
Always a good time to relate that in grad school I was one of the TAs for a course this dude was taking (this was back in his Chet Haze days). He would routinely roll into lecture 15-20 minutes late, sit about three rows back from the front, put his Wayfarers on (put them on, he hadn’t been wearing them on the way…
On the one hand it really can’t be easy to grow up in the household of people who have conquered Hollywood. Trying to define yourself and find a path in the shadow of beloved entertainers must be fraught with struggles and self-doubt.
There’s no need to be that barbaric. Let him finish his dessert first.
Tom Hanks needs to take Chet out in the woods somewhere, or maybe the middle of the dessert and just leave him there
Wearthy people have an issue with the pandemic restrictions because they don’t usually have restrictions in life. They get preferred seating at restaurants and events. They get catered to at stores, etc. Any idiot with 2 eyes and a brain understands why it is recommended that we wear the fucking masks. NO ONE WANTS TO…
No black person over 40 should be anti-mask or anti vaccine
All that talent, and still a Hotep.
Seriously, if you are Black in ‘Murica and you think they have or will free up an ICU bed for might want to consider the vaccine. IJS
Of Jamaican descent, sooo....