
There have been House resolutions passed condemning slavery and genocide against Native Americans. This was the first one passed condemning Armenian genocide (which has never been officially recognized by the US government because it was/is reluctant to piss off Turkey in the first place), but Omar didn’t support it.

Looks like you have the pathetic Clinton dead-enders all worked up. Lol. 

I sincerely hope this is a tomato post. 

Hillary wouldn’t spend enough time visiting the Rust Belt even as Trump was getting his largest crowds there. She simply believed in the “blue firewall.” But we’re all supposed to believe that her loss was entirely the fault of Stein, Bernie bros, Russia, and everything else except for her own actions.

Why is is that there are people like you who still like the support the Clintons even after MeToo?

So it’s Harambe’s fault that Clinton wouldn’t visit Wisconsin?

It’s also because he’s a never-Trumper. 

It’s because he’s anti-Trump and that’s all that matters to MSDNC. (even though he’s against Trump for the wrong reasons)

And they shouldn’t have been there if they didn’t want to be called Nazis.

The only thing that separates Trump from a Nazi is his ultra-Zionism. It gives him political cover, something the European far right also uses to its advantage. 

If the pro-Confederates don’t want to be called neo-Nazis, why did they go march with neo-Nazis?

Asians can be far-right racist idiots, too. 

It’s an achievement in ignorance. Trump shows such a colossal disregard for the ways of the foreign policy “blob” that he occasionally gets something half-right. A President Rubio would have gotten us involved in a full-on regime-change war (or wars) already.

You know how everyone makes fun of Florida? The rest of Florida feels the same way about the panhandle.

Hollywood was okay with filming in a “right-to-work” state like Georgia to avoid using union labor, but then wants to express phony outrage over anti-abortion and anti-gay legislation.

Gorsuch, too. 

I think Sanders has become a victim of his own success. He’s not the only Democratic candidate running on on progressive policies now.

It isn’t just them, though. Too many atheists have turned into reactionary shitweasels who believe the feminists, antifa, and Ess Jay Double U’s are the real threat, and that we shouldn’t condemn anti-vaxxers because of Freeze Peach or something. They also like Jordan Peterson for some reason. 

Pretty much. It’s why they defend and support Saudi Arabia with no shred of irony.