
I just want to know if this car was filed as a business expense.

Yeah, and tied with the oh-so-coincidental fact that he’s a business owner, color me suspicious.

Whether he wants to admit it or not, buying this monstrosity IS an attention seeking move.

Overlanding on a farm and those tires? LOL

Agreed. Bad take on Jalopnik’s part to suggest that the ATV driver running through a bunch of cyclists and pedestrians was the more desirable outcome than hitting a stopped police car. This isn’t exactly the trolley problem, because one of the outcomes is measurably worse than the other.

For $100? Maybe. At Moonswatch prices? Hell no. $1500? Oh hell the fuck no.

LOL, I wouldn’t be surprised. But when she was rolling in negative equity on a trade, she was ALREADY in a bad spot.  I suspect it was an older trade and she was pretty deep underwater, plus NO money down, she did just about everything you can do wrong on a car purchase all in one go.  She just kind of screams plastic

She looks like every “after” photo for every possible facial cosmetic procedure all rolled into one.

That’s a huge grill.

The sheer stupidity, ignorance, and lack of logic of the average human is pretty astonishing. Sadly enough, a majority (more than half) of people would actually think that reducing the size of the tank (and of course the cost per fill-up) will save them money.

They definitely lost their shit, but if you do the math, it wasn’t really that big a difference unless you’re driving an absolute fuckton.

That’s great you guys can do that responsibly. After all, you can’t take it with you. So long as you have the money, go for it.

DINK, eh? I’ve been called a DINKWAD before. Dual Income No Kids With A Dog.

DINK is without a doubt the most flush you’ll ever feel in your life.  Enjoy.

I mean, if they can afford it, who cares? It’s when you can’t afford it then it becomes a problem. My wife and I also make good money and to other people, it also probably looks like we are showing off, but we are just enjoying being DINKs. We go on vacation 3 times a year once usually out of the country, I drive a 15

Yup. We have horses and visit our friends in Europe, but we live in a cruddy-looking house and drive old-ass cars we bought for cash.

I’m just confused on this “his” decisions and “my” decisions regarding large financial decisions. I know not all married couples have combined finances, but the idea that a married person makes such a big financial decision in a vacuum is just silly. If you have your car repo’ed and your credit score takes a big hit,

This is my brother and sister in law, they buy all this expensive stuff because they see my wife and I buying or doing things and then they complain about how broke they are and can’t afford to live in the big house with new cars with a new kid on the way. My wife and I do a lot of traveling and have nicer cars(not

I don’t even want him as a PASSENGER on a plane. Ban him from the air. He can swim home from Scotland. (Do retired pilots get the same free-flight perk as current airline employees? Delta can at least block him from that if they decide not to terminate.)

If it’s suicide, I feel sorry he internalized so much of this stress in his attempt to do the right thing. I suspect he’s died a hero (if he isn’t one already). Sounds like he spent his career pushing back against Boeing’s bullshit.

This seems like a very legitimate, 100% certainty, without a shadow of a doubt suicide.