
After such a gaffe in the first slide, I lost interest in continuing.

I wish Jalopnik would hire an EIC and someone to fact check these “articles”.

The Honda J Series engines currently power more than just the MDX. If you want, I can Google that for you. 

2010 Porsche 911 - There is a single lock and unlock button on the FOB and no audible indicator when you lock the doors. The only time it will make a sound is if you don’t have a door or trunk closed all the way it will honk to tell you, otherwise it is silent, so that coupled with the single lock/unlock button on the

But yeah, test that self driving shit on public roads with your beta testers you call customers.

This. Like even if it’s just a pilot getting a migraine or a really bad stomach ache, I would rather have a second pilot available than banking on either a less than 100% human pilot or an AI pilot landing for me. 

Yeah, I imagine a lot of “do we have a pilot on board” calls if it ever goes 1 pilot because how many times has a pilot been incapacitated and needed backup? You probably never hear about it, but I bet it happens all the time. It doesn’t even need to be a full incapacitation, could be something like they get sick mid

Yes, it’s coming from a union which has a vested interest in keeping a 2-man flight crew, but it’s not wrong.

I mean - if a Airbus and a Boeing were lined up together, going to the same place for the same price - which one are you taking?

Dude, import laws are insane, so I wouldn’t doubt it if that is the case going through certain countries.

Get the Porsche. I had planned to buy a 996 after college. Life happens, I went another route. Not sure I’ll ever get that 996 now.

Absolutely! If it’s noticeable enough to be labeled as a “trend, it probably sucks donkey balls.  I have never owned an entirely factory-spec vehicle in my life, but fuck all of these fads.

Maybe I am getting old and crotchety, but most tuner fads annoy me anymore. I like a clean, mostly stock car, maybe lowered a bit, maybe some nice wheels(that fit correctly and are not angled 45* my god).


We’re not that far from this...

Saw a comment a few months ago that Tesla drivers are Altima drivers with a better credit score.

Until all of the vehicles are on some sort of network and aware of each other, it isn’t going to be perfect.

Only reason why Altima drivers aren’t on that list is because they don’t have insurance. Tesla drivers are essentially Altima drivers with arguably ‘nicer’ cars, that can afford to insure their vehicles. And Ram drivers being #2 for accidents and the coveted #1 spot for ‘incidents’ come at no surprise to anyone.

wish they could ride their cell phone to work while taking a nap.

This is a 5 year old under powered (by today’s standards) mac, about to go out of support. Model MQD32LL/A

This is a 5 year old under powered (by today’s standards) mac, about to go out of support. Model MQD32LL/A