
I agree, that is why I refuse to purchase water in a bottle that I can get for free from my tap ;-)

It reminds me of the vertical cold cases that Walgreens is/was trying to implement that instead of having glass doors have screens that show a stock photo of what should be inside. Not what is actually inside of course.

I don't even go to the dmv anymore. A grocery store around the corner does it via machine. I gladly pay the 3% surcharge to avoid dealing with the dmv.

I can’t say I have ever in my life, wished I could pay a perpetual fee to display static content when there is a practically free alternative. This is the dumbest thing! If you want this to catch on, make them the same cost as a normal plate, like $35-40, and eat the rest of the cost. I will take my ass down to the

Sounds like you need to wait for the Android devs to implement this and also get it tested and approved like Apple did. This is Apple at work, not the government so yeah, it’s not going to work on your Android. “Want this feature? Buy an iPhone” has been the marketing ploy since the inception of iPhone.

Harley F-150, the truck for people who want to own a motorcycle to be cool but their wife says no. 

That sounds like a problem you should bring up with Google Wallet then, it’s on them to implement the feature.

it’s no surprise that someone who has as dogshit an opinion as “Rogue One was a bad movie” is stuck in a career where they have to crowd source listicles.  

Like a lot of these, from my Dad. He was a gearhead in the 80's doing engine swaps in his Torino and whatnot until I came along. He sold his fun cars to have a family but would still work on our cars in the driveway when the brakes or suspension or whatever needed fixed, and being the oldest kid, I was the flashlight

Well, just as electric vehicles looked like they were becoming a mainstream possibility, it’s being yanked back by increasing supply costs. It is going to be hard for a lot of people to see a $13,000 price increase for a base model vehicle and be ok with it. I have never seen a gas vehicle increase its price by 25% in

I’d take a NE over that or the retro ‘69 5th gen.  Those 5th gens really haven’t aged well.

I’m 35 and I have no idea why people my age would love this kind of thing.

Disagree. The New Edge was the best looking mustang and the definition of a great facelift.

BOO!  New Edge is one of the best body styles.  Problem was all the scoops and vents were fake.

I prefer the new edge body style, but I am liking the pre facelift more and more as time goes by because the only ones I really see anymore are well taken care of and usually GTs, and all the new edge I see are ratted out hooptie v6's. I would take a nice new edge over a nice pre facelift though given the option.

I was talking to a Ford salesman and he said he had several customers buy one of these huge trucks only to find out it won’t fit in their garage. I think that’s funny.

Here’s an example of someone who thinks electricity is priced too cheap so it’s ok to waste it. Are you also the guy who remote-idles his truck for 20 minutes?

There will always be troglodytes.

Yeah, as much as this sounds great, I’m not letting a company put wear and tear on my stuff just so they can save a bunch of money and only give me a measly pittance. Pass.

I was thinking a couple of old truck chassis welded together. Didn’t do the overlap very well in the middle to actually give it strength!