
You do realize, though, if you sell your car- even for more than you bought it for- you won’t have a car anymore, right?

It is depreciating. Can't count on it appreciating and fluctuations are that: fluctuations. 

what about an inflation? What you paid for it is not worth what it was when you were buying it. 


I think you are ignoring basic financial accounting and planning. No one in their right might would ever consider a car an appreciating asset, even in todays market. You might luck out and cash in at the right time to make it SEEM like an appreciating asset, but overall, it is not, it is a gamble at best.

Still, none of what you said changes why cars are a depreciating asset, you are just explaining how you may have lucked out slightly in this weird time. Don’t expect to do it again in a year or so. 

If you plan to keep the car for more than a year, yes it is still a depreciating asset. Unless you capture that rise in value NOW, it is only going to go back down in a years time or so and most people keep cars for 3+ years. And if you DO capture that rise in value now, you are just going to need to buy another

I don’t think you are an outlier. I feel like a lot of the people who spend $1000/mo on a car are the people who make less than us but are trying to show off.

That is not at all what I said, I said I cringe at car payments over $500. Never said I don’t understand people spending more than that.

LMAO, not even close to the same arguments. Those things massively improved cars and reliability, side view cameras only add cost and MANY downsides from traditional mirrors. Tech has it’s place in a lot of areas, but nor side view mirrors at this point in time.

Not just my take, many other have mentioned it, but just a few issues are less crisp image, no reflection for light to bounce off and instead it is just an always on light source, they are much easier to get dirty and become useless/blurry(think about your backup cam with just a little snow/salt/dirt covering it),

I hope the US never allows camera side mirrors. It is just not worth the small energy savings to have arguably worse in every way mirrors. Only time I want a camera for a mirror is the center rear view mirror because a lot of back windows on cars are becoming unusable due to thick pillars or rear head rests in the way.

A supercharged 2ZZ, stick shift, some suspension tweaks, and less blingy rolling stock would make this a fun car for a lot less than the Ferarri it’s rebodied to look like, then being a Toyota, a whole lot more reliable to boot!

But sometimes you do. When I was in high school my FWD Passat with Micheline X Ice snow tires regularly couldn’t make it up my friends driveway on snowy or icy days and those are some of the best snow tires you can get. If you lived there, you literally wouldn’t be able to leave their place unless you wanted to start

I like ya Candace, big fan of your articles but yeah... this one is

Amber Heard Verdict Sends A Message To Black Women Everywhere”

Yikes, terrible article! Extreme projection.. extreme Black feminism.. extreme “believe all women!”

“Amber Heard Verdict Sends A Message To Black Women Everywhere”

Some even believed Depp when he said that she was the aggressor in the relationship