
A yes stopping a debate by saying your view is the only correct view. You would make one excellent dictator.

Woof you should really run off a bridge holy shit what a nuclear take. Made recognitions look reasonable.

How are you out of the grays?

Let me pull your bootlicking ass out of the greys for a tick...

I do not, have not, and never will, own any crypto, but the $100 (and a lot more $100's) that I put in my 401(k) 6 months ago (or last week) isn’t looking so great either.

Even as toothless as the FAA sounds, a 1 year license loss seems like less than than nothing as a punishment.

That’s not “getting it straight,” that’s removing key information.

Please elaborate on a “full sized American”.

A pair of sweet shipping guards to make your Dodge look totally boss. Let everyone in the trailer park know YOU’RE the most successful meth dealer.

I had a 2016 GT and mine synched up with the sequential turn signals, but they never did that.

Damn a Golf R fighter for people who don’t mind having a car that makes them look like someone with a personality who is confident enough to buy a car that doesn’t look like it was designed by a accountant with a straight edge. who will stand in line for a Fast & Furious movie.

Beats standing in line at your local VW service manager desk with a second mortgage application....

I stared at that wheel for far too long counting spokes trying to figure out how they weren’t divisible.

Right? Those looked great.

Slide 4: “Any wheel where the number of spokes is not evenly divisible by the number of visible lugs.”

My other favorite is Ohio drivers who don’t know what the center turning lanes commonly seen in busy commercial districts are for. Center turning lanes are a godsend for traffic flow but it never fails that someone wants to make their turn from the left thru lane and blocks traffic.

Now playing

Drew Carey is from Cleveland and he said that line(well I added the word license) every time he started the show “Who’s line is it anyway”

Mustang is a bit stupid on the size to interior, but a good part of that is the side impact requirements. Also styling requirements. Also practicality requirements. Look at the Camaro for what you get if you build a “mustang” to be as small outside to the inside. You get tiny windows. You get a trunk thats both tiny

You really going to talk shit about the ford mustang’s footprint? I mean, its not meant to be a practical car, nor a small nimble one. Sure its as long as a Rav4, okay? Its still shorter than a bmw 6series coupe, so? And fwiw the mustang rear seats are much, much bigger than a BRZ’s. Sure they’re not practical for 4