
It’s like VW designed this car to tell us that we’re in the Bad (automotive) Place

Am I the only one to admit I clicked for the pic?

THIS is the picture you chose for this article?

Ah yes, the “I drive a Ram 3500 and want to ensure everyone else drives a Miata” philosophy

anything to keep from talking about all the deadlines hes missing and the roadsters pricing disappearing from the page. 

Nope, I could care less.”

What about electric cars? There are some nations nplanning to go all electric.

...they were walking backwards. I refuse to believe otherwise.

Same. Employers should absolutely be responsible for on the job injuries no matter where the job is located. But I do have some mixed feelings about this. Does this mean that home offices would need to be up to OSHA spec? Or that your employer reserves the right to insect your home for potential hazards, and deny your

That was a weird cut with the armored guys walking, not showing their feet and the warthog driving past, they looked like they were going backwards.

Ahhh, where to begin. Honestly, it mostly comes down to his attitude. And I don’t just mean the guy’s a dick, that’s almost to be expected at the highest level of any sport. Unlike many other sports out there, motorsport in particular puts you in a place that is very dangerous to you and those around you.

I do not hate him; if anything I like him but he drives like an a$$. His talent is impressive, he has it raw and in spades but he is elbows out all the time and seems to rely on others to make way for him or else he crashes which I do not like. Still, for his fighting spirit and racing moxie alone, I love watching him

Tucks his ears into flatbrim hats.

I will say this though, I open these articles to read the train wreck and the ensuing comments.”

Same lmao.  This guy is just a grad-A moron

Spoken like someone who has never not wanted to do this fucking shit in the first place but your spouse always grew up with real trees and now you have to go and cut one of these fire hazards down, get covered in sap and then have to figure out how to get home.

Climbing through the trunk is the least of this man’s

Agreed, this person is on crack.

What can you expect from someone whose nickname is “GMT800 Tahoe Guy” ?

The S550 mustang is a good one. A single T20 screw and a couple clips...

That Mustang isn’t even that bad. A couple extra steps to get to but “full dashboard teardown” is bullshit. In my experience most cars have it behind the glove box. 

So, my S550 Mustang’s cabin air filter is changeable under the glove compartment.