
Yeah, lets regulate the thing that was setup for the sole purpose of avoiding government involvement.

Ah Elizabeth Warren. As a lifelong MA resident she can go fuck herself with a cactus

You’ve gotta think the SEC and similar bodies world wide were really hoping that crypto was just a fad that would go pop one day and disappear.

Good find my man.  Now sit tight because you’re clearly a variant, the TVA will be along shortly.

Sports car slams into a tree that fell across Ellington Road

The vibe is on there because it is a Toyota underneath. Funny story, once really pissed off a guy bragging about his new “American” Vibe on FB and how no import held a candle to “American Made” by just telling him to look under the hood for 30 Toyota badges sprinkled on all the parts. I wish I were there to see how

None. They can kiss my ass.

Couple of Toyota Supras would pull a premium one week before race wars.

Also, I doubt anything smaller than the 12" display is going in the infotainment system since ford basically completely ditched those little 4" displays so another win for the base model. You might not get a digital cluster and a ton of speakers though which is fine with me. I have my fingers crossed for a decently

Its low starting price (which, if we’re going to be honest, is really in the $50,000s. That sub $40,000 price is going to be for the bare-bones commercial version) and Ford making the best selling vehicle in America an EV will broaden its appeal. Hopefully for Ford, this will bring in customers that have been on

Go back to the part about a muzzle flash from a BB gun please?

Right “I would wear it in lines but not while sitting in the grass watching a race.” is what I expected. The reality was that I saw twelve people wearing masks, total. Including in line for the bathroom and concessions. 

Did you honestly expect most people to be wearing masks?  Not debating if people should or not, just wondering if others expect mass mask wearing outdoors at this point.  My expectation at this point is most people have given up and just don’t care anymore.  I wear mine indoors, but outdoors at an event like this I

I’m anxious to see a Cybertruck crash test.

There’s a very good reason insurance companies charge an arm and leg to insure teens. Do I want one behind the wheel of a semi next to me? NO WAY

Don’t get me wrong, I know there’s a serious shortage of truck drivers.

For a such bad idea, they executed the body & paint flawlessly.

Hate the wheel more than almost any I’ve ever seen but you’re still right. 

but maybe the worst steering wheel this side of a pirate ship