
Do they ever go well for the lock?

Do they ever go well for the lock?

I have clicked the wrong box three times since the change. 

Could you please choose another name for this renamed section. The closeness of goodbye and good buy really screws with my dyslexia. It is not disability friendly. Thank you.

It would be unnecessarily wordy to say “area that is anthropomorphically correlated to the location of human genitals” although pedantically correct.

Here you go. $25k, just under 80,000 miles, a manual, and you’re welcome.

All my automatic emails go to separate folders so they don’t swamp my inbox, and those folders are configured to delete anything older than a week or two. If I haven’t read it by then, it’s never going to happen, so why keep them?

RULES people, RULES!

Hope you never have to CYA because slack is not going to be a good place to do that. Email is a permanent, searchable record so when someone fucks up, I can tell you exactly who or what did it via an email chain. I bet you have a few people who don’t like you because of using Slack like this because people like to be

Those should be filtered into another folder then with mail rules so your main inbox only has important emails you care about. I probably have 50 mail rules filtering emails into a dozen different folders so when I get an email, I know it is important.

I bet you don’t have 1000 emails you need to take action on though. A reasonable amount of unreads is fine, like 20-50, but more than that is just ridiculous. You either need to use mail rules to filter that or read your damn emails because I guarantee you are missing some important ones.

You can set Outlook to mark them as read still. You can even throw a delay in so you don't accidentally mark emails as read when clicking on them momentarily without reading.

Filter that shit! Outlook has mail rules for a reason, send that stuff right to the trash if it isn’t useful to you. How many important emails are you missing because they are stuck between a bunch of bullshit emails??

Why would that be a bad thing? If you are not reading your emails, you are not doing your job. I keep like 20-30 unread emails but it have read them and leave them as “unread” just to remind me I need to do something about it. If I had 1000 unread emails, that would mean I am not doing shit about them and should

I have to admit that I would be worried about an employee who had that many unread emails, and would think about firing them.

Who will get heir reality TV shows any day now! And be famous! Any. Day. Now!

Footage of Tim Kuniskis fielding some “customer questions” ...

Just a quick look at their comments here and their user name was all I needed to know not to engage with that dickspittle. Then again, they replied to like three of my comments, so it was easy to sniff it out.

is that stick up your ass at least a straight edge?
Living under a roof should be a human right, it should be the communities responsibility to ensure a roof is over everyones head, and all the basic needs to live. that includes breathing clean air, drinking clean water, eating healthy food, and sleeping under a roof.

haha “T1"? you’re showing your age ;-)

Same here, it’s mostly while I’m at work, and maybe on the weekends while I’m being lazy with my coffee.