
I won’t spoil the story for you

This blurring of lines between mopeds and scooters annoys me.

I agree just on principle. The camera work and editing are too good for this to be a natural accident and not a stunt of some sort.

Take it off. You know they’re removable, right? There’s no reason to be dragging a tent around for the other 360 days of the year, except as a sacrificial offering to the fuel gods.

I think the main issue is that a ton of people are house poor, but still want the fancy car. I could afford a nicer house, but when I already have one that is fairly new (built in 2013) and the payment is comfortable, why would I move up? A lot of people in my neighborhood have seen the $180-$200k value jump and sold

My dream is to have a large enough sum to live off the interest. That said, I’d probably still work to stave off boredom.


I don’t think that’s true at all. I own two 911s (991.1 and a 964) and there are by and large two reasons people buy new -

Absolutely. But where’s the evidence that shows one or the other, ya know?

I disagree. People with the funds to spend 70-150k on a vehicle are acutely aware of the costs. A friend of mine has owned vehicles in the 400-500k range and even he is extremely aware of cost, depreciation, maintenance, etc.

Ok. I’ll let him know Scott from the internet thinks he’s got to go.

But using that logic, who the hell ever thought this stock was gonna hit 1500 a share.

Said the Monday morning quarterback.

But you can give those people reasonable advice without giving information that is blatantly false.

Dave Ramsey is an idiot. cars are in that weird valley where they cost a lot to buy (probably anyone’s second biggest purchase after their house) but don’t gain value. And they’re machines, so they wear out. Telling people they shouldn’t buy a new car unless they’re worth millions and can pay cash is just some

Dave Ramsey is a stinking pile of shit and his show is for entertainment value only. He peddles basic financial advice like “spend less than you make” and has very limited understanding of financial planning. Ramsey works the church crowd because some churches get a kickback on fees. He is a quasi-televangelist. I’d

It’s not going to burn down, but they’re all definitely going to be broke and living with their parents again in a year.

Did you buy Alex Jones’s cookbook?

Sorry if you were backing out of a parking spot you were the idiot.