
Do you drive a manual now? Can you? Just curious

They do actually, my wife’s old Honda Fit did that with it’s CVT.

I think if they are going to spend money on simulating a manual though, they could spend that same money on figuring out a true EV manual or nothing at all. Honestly, who here drives a manual would actually buy one of these? It’s like slapping an M3 badge on your 325i, you are just lying to yourself and true car

At least in video games you can’t put it in auto mode and mow down the enemies without touching the trigger. You are still using skill to shoot or drive or build or whatever that game is. 

As a huge manual fan, I don’t think I would ever buy something like this. I don’t want a simulated manual that doesn’t need to exist, it would just feel useless and I would know the whole thing is fake every time I drove it. Why can’t they gear down(or up?) a less powerful electric motor so you actually NEED to have a

I wonder what they would do when I take my 2017 in with 8 inches of wiring hacked out and replaced by myself to fix this issue. I am out of warranty and wasn’t going to pay Honda several hundred bucks for a new harness with the same flaw when I have wire and a soldering iron lol.

Cool, lets talk about this central driving position cockpit then never show interior pics. Thanks guys!

4th gear: I don’t think missing the 5000 car mark in Dec is a big deal if they will hit it in a couple months. Let’s remember Musky has been promising a Cybertruck for the better part of 3 years now and it still has yet to have a solid production date. I am willing to give a newcomer a couple months slack on what they

That’s what I was thinking, what is left to cut? The bland interior is something I actually could not live with, so making it more spartan is definitely not for me.

OMG for real! Seems like the bigger the SUV, the smaller the soccer mom driving it. 

LMFAO, toss in the greatest hits of all your favorite engine noises. Maybe a lopey idle from a muscle car with the acceleration sound of a v12 but with some VTEC at the top of the revs? Have a fart can honda clip ready too for the stop light drag races HAHAHAHA

It’s for the people who put M/AMG badges on normal BMWs and Mercs I’d guess. Same basic thing, trying to be something they are not. Might as well just play an MP3 of a v8 through your speakers inside because it’s only you who wants to hear that crap.

Are fake EV sounds going to be the new stick on fender vent? Please no, just no, unless you are going to make it cool space shipy sounds or something. Literally anything but actual engine noises, so dumb!

It wasn’t a judge, it was a jury, and what are the odds this is a case of the jury not understanding how software works and saying “meh, looks the same to me” and making a judgement? I would say pretty high. This is a really big issue in patent cases regarding software, its very hard for a laymen to understand that

How did they determine they stole the software? There are MANY different ways to make a program do essentially the same thing, so as long as the code isn’t the same, you can’t say they copied it just because it shares a common feature. As long as that feature is coded different, no problem! I can’t blame Ford for

Letting our frustration and anger through swearing at inanimate objects. Never really said f* you or called something a mother f’er that wasn’t living before working on cars/bikes. I don’t even really say that stuff to people either, it just comes out when working on the rusty shit we end up with in Ohio. 

It’s not HP that matters here, it is torque. HP is for top speed, TQ is for acceleration. I’m sure these numbers are perfectly fine. 

Well there are other options though like the one I posted earlier. Make them slide all the way down or flip down when not in use. Hell, my current gen Mustang only has small humps that stick up past the seat.

Oh I bet! The only headrests that are acceptable in the back of a coupe/convertible(or any car really) are the ones that slide all the way down like this. Why ruin visibility when you have an easy solution like this or the ones that flip down when not in use? I mean, BMW actually makes some cars with the flip down

Why do manufactures insist on putting headrests on the back seats in convertibles that almost no one is going to sit in? I seriously want to know because it totally ruins the look when the top is down.