
I am already starting to get tired of the light bars. It’s not special if everyone does it. In 5 years, EVERY car will have light bars and we are gonna go, “oh man, you know what would be so different, NO light bars! Man, what a way to stick out from the crowd” then they will go out of style again and these cars are

And Ace, they are actually in several different stores around me now that Sears is gone.

I found Ace Hardware has a much larger selection of Craftsman when I had to have a socket replaced recently. Lowes only had sets where as Ace had individuals.

Oh yeah, definitely. They used electricity to run, plus loss of refrigeration when the door is opened because someone thinks something is in stock but is not, requiring more electricity to recool, and required extra effort on the user to actually open the door to check for items. Yeah, what a waste all around. STOP

I can’t say I have ever in my life, wished I could pay a perpetual fee to display static content when there is a practically free alternative. This is the dumbest thing! If you want this to catch on, make them the same cost as a normal plate, like $35-40, and eat the rest of the cost. I will take my ass down to the

Sounds like you need to wait for the Android devs to implement this and also get it tested and approved like Apple did. This is Apple at work, not the government so yeah, it’s not going to work on your Android. “Want this feature? Buy an iPhone” has been the marketing ploy since the inception of iPhone.

How did I not know the HD F150 was a Lightning “Light”? That totally changes my perception of that truck. I always thought it was a regular truck with leather and 38 HD badges tacked on. I see them for cheap occasionally near me so now I am going to be on the look out for one!

Harley F-150, the truck for people who want to own a motorcycle to be cool but their wife says no. 

I want to know how much GM is going into this Honda because that really makes a difference in if I trust it like my existing Hondas. Not saying GM has issues necessarily, but I feel like GM is more willing to put out a subpar product and recall it if it shits the bed vs Honda who would rather just put out a better

Whoops, posted on wrong article

Like a lot of these, from my Dad. He was a gearhead in the 80's doing engine swaps in his Torino and whatnot until I came along. He sold his fun cars to have a family but would still work on our cars in the driveway when the brakes or suspension or whatever needed fixed, and being the oldest kid, I was the flashlight

There was just recently a Last Week Tonight episode on this and it’s hilarious just how entitled the Brits, and really most of the world, are to all this history from other countries. Their reasoning for not doing giving it back is “well, if we give one thing back, everyone will want their shit back and we will have

Well, just as electric vehicles looked like they were becoming a mainstream possibility, it’s being yanked back by increasing supply costs. It is going to be hard for a lot of people to see a $13,000 price increase for a base model vehicle and be ok with it. I have never seen a gas vehicle increase its price by 25% in

Same, I honestly wasn’t a big Mustang fan growing up because the new ones that were coming out when I was in middle/high school were the retro ones with the 4.6L and not that interesting. I did buy a 2015 GT though not long after they came out because THAT was a good looking Mustang with the power to back up the

I prefer the new edge body style, but I am liking the pre facelift more and more as time goes by because the only ones I really see anymore are well taken care of and usually GTs, and all the new edge I see are ratted out hooptie v6's. I would take a nice new edge over a nice pre facelift though given the option.

If you rent something to someone, you should anticipate those people are not going to be of the highest quality at least some of the time. Unless you vet your customers very well, which is expensive, this is going to happen. You build those customers into the cost of rental because they are inevitable.

I was thinking about buying property there and renting it to these people. 

Hmmm, yeah good question. Why doesn’t duke front the cost to put a battery pack in a bunch of peoples homes and do this same thing but without wasting the consumers devices? I would opt into that for sure!

Agreed. Unless this deal is them buying your truck for you, no thank you. Also, what will this do to your warranty if Ford finds out, which I am sure is not hard so see how many times you have used the truck to power something. I don’t imagine using the truck to power the grid several times a month is what Ford had in

Honestly, you could probably find decent examples of the S550 mustang for $25k and get the IRS. I track a 2015 GT and it is a very competent car.