
Yes, thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for! It makes my decision to buy a car a lot more solid because the particular year and model I want only went up like 10% in the last 2 years vs the general market of 50% increase. Seems like cars less than 3-4 years old were not hit nearly as bad as cars 5-10 years

Wow, he even has a manual too! This is like an emergency track day. Hope they have a 5 point holding the patient down because were hitting the apex on this exit!!

Yeah, I am looking for a car right now and I am trying to figure out how much it would have cost 2 years ago vs now but nothing to track this really exists that I know if. KBB needs a historical value page.

This is what 4 year olds do when mom says they have to eat dinner before having dessert. They throw a temper tantrum and sulk in the corner when it would have just been easier and more life sustaining to just eat your fucking dinner.

Nothing like a toddler doing the opposite of what they were asked just because they don’t like being told what to do... Oh wait, this is a fucking adult who typed that message! Jesus Christ, grow the fuck up and help your neighbor NOT die. Or in terms you may understand more easily, do it so YOU don’t die if you don’t

What are we considering disposable? Schwinn has always seemed like a reliable name and is sold at walmart, do they have special models that are cheaper and only at walmart? I bought a Schwinn on Amazon a couple years ago and it seems like a decent bike.

You might not even be on real 5G. Most carriers have bullshit lower speed “5G” in most places just to claim they have 5G so they look better than the competition, but really its just faster 4G. It seems like whatever the newest tech is, it is never really ready for mainstream until the next gen is on the horizon, so

Ahh, couldn’t stand to watch the whole clip and skimmed it, you’re probably right

Well she did better than him at “Drifting” but he did better at crashing into literally anything he saw like a complete moron. Please tell me that did not actually impress her...

Mine was on a cloth visor and basically heat molded to it, so I just bought a piece of matte black vinyl from a guy who cuts them specifically to fit the label for your car. Doesn’t look bad, much better than the bright yellow label, but wish there were a better way for my case.

Yep, my uncle got a ticket for turning left in front of an officer driving 70 MPH down a 35 MPH road with no lights on and getting T-boned. Supposedly his fault for not being able to see the cop doing over double the posted limit without lights on, doesn’t matter that science shows you cannot judge velocity of a head

I bet the reason no one mentions the tax rebate is because in its current state, it is really hard for someone who is in the market for lower cost EVs to even get. It isn’t a straight deduction from the purchase price, it is a rebate in your taxes, and to get all of it, you need to make like $80k+ because it is it is

Exactly, I have an S550 and it took me like 20 minutes to replace cabin filter. Could probably do it in 10 now that I know how it is done. Total bullshit from someone who just didn’t want to do it at the shop.

This^ I have an S550 and it took me like 20 minutes to replace cabin filter. Could probably do it in 10 now that I know how it is done. Total bullshit from someone who just didn’t want to do it at the shop.

Alternate headline “Gas is expensive everywhere but US, everywhere else buys small cars” I just summed up the whole article in 11 words.

And even if you do, you will get roasted for not doing it exactly the right way that everyone expects you to. Like that ocean cleanup project people are giving flak to lately. Like sure, it is not the ideal way to clean up the ocean, BUT it gets people talking about it and invested in a START of something, not the end

I was thinking this myself. He could have stepped on a lego or slipped on the dogs water bowl spillage or any one of a thousand different things that are hazards at that persons specific home but not at the office. Who’s to say the dude doesn’t have a snake slithering around waiting to be a tripping hazard. I know

OMG, I was a little young for the NES (born 1990) but I loved that game and had no idea! I need to find a CRT now so I can try, I have the NES and Duck Hunt already. Really sucks that is one of the ONLY games you can’t play on a modern TV.

This, he expects everyone to give him what he wants or else he wrecks you out of the race for not giving it to him. If he just raced clean I would have nothing against him, but he is always being a douche in the driver seat and pushing the rules to the point tracks have to install specific speed bumps and barriers to