
But, like we are doing now, we are giving them clicks to read this train wreck so maybe that is what he has going for him. Can’t wait to read the next article titled “I drove my car on bald tires because I was too lazy to buy new ones, and this happened...”

And much harder. There is only one or two detectors on the market you can even do this with, and they are specifically designed to placed in the grill, NOT the frunk unless you want an expensive paper weight because it is not going to work in there. Normal detectors cannot be placed just anywhere because they are not

Because we all know Telsa owners never trick auto pilot and sit in the back seat, or do other dangerous things. Not one. So this shouldn’t be a problem ;)

Other countries do not use the same frequencies as the US for their cell service and whatnot. Every country has its own regulations on radio waves so it may just be a US concern. Just a thought, may not be the reason.

This dude needs to give up car ownership and just rent one when he needs one. Maintaining vehicles is clearly not this persons strong suit. I will say this though, I open these articles to read the train wreck and the ensuing comments.

This^ even with non directional tires I almost never swap side to side anymore because I keep my cars aligned and they don’t wear uneven, so swapping front to back is all that is needed and takes half the time or less to do. I can get pretty much any car up on two wheels with just one jack point if you place it right

You HAVE read this persons articles before correct? They basically only qualify to write for this site because they know a car has 4 wheels. 

As much as I HATE Facebook, I went through a stint this year where I sold like 200 pieces of furniture and a bunch of misc videos games and started out listing on both CList and FB, but after about 2 months I realized probably 9/10 successful transactions happened via FB so I stopped posting on CList. I barely got a

Fuck these slideshows! If you don’t want a slideshow, pop the tab out, make the window as skinny as the first image and boom! No more slideshow, you are welcome

Have you SEEN a recent Bruce Willis movie? I think the dude will take any role that includes at least a half eaten sandwich and cab money home based on the sheer number of awful movies I have seen him in lately. Top tip, if Bruce Willis is in it and it is from the past 3 years, don’t even give it a second look.

I love crypto, have made some money from it, nothing crazy, but it is paying off being into it. However, NFTs are the dumbest shit to ever exist. Who the fuck cares is you own a digital copyright to something you will never hold? Why spend money on that shit unless you are going to go full on and live entirely in the

But that’s the thing, SOO many people will never sell their investments to get taxed. They instead take out millions of dollars in low interest loans to live on, only pay the small couple % interest, and completely avoid all taxes that would be involved if they sold their investments to live off of instead. These

Something else interesting is that is GLASS in the hatch, not plastic like the illustration shows. I am a big fan of glass in soft tops. The plastic always hazes, cracks, and isn’t as clear as glass in the first place. 

My girlfriends mom recently got a flat tire an hour away from home and after I changed it and told her “Your tire light is going to come on because your flat tire is in the trunk, you DON’T have a flat” she proceeds to drop us off at the airport as the tire light comes on, I look at the tire to confirm the light that

This^ also, the V6 Honda came in non Redline 2004 Vues too because that is what I have. Redline literally was just a body kit on the Vue.

Saturn Vue v6 AWD. Like $3-4k on the high end, has a Honda engine so lasts forever, and plastic body panels so no rust(unless you look under the car lol) I have been running one for 2 years now with over 175,000 miles and it works great!

This^^ Every car I have driven in the past 10 years has had multi stage window switches on AT LEAST the driver side, a lot of the time on all of them.

Totally different. Your car had issues, definitely get rid of a car with issues. Perfectly working car though? Doesn’t make any sense. Dog died in the car on the way to the vet, sure, get rid of it. Hit a nail on the road and got a flat tire, doesn’t make sense to get rid of it. Got married with the car and had a

Maybe if their dog died in it, sure, but let’s be honest, this isn’t THAT far off from what some people experience all the time at the dealer and it doesn’t make them turn around and sell the car. If that were the case, no one would own cars LMAO!

Came here to say this. That might possibly be the dumbest reason I can think of to get rid of a car you “Loved”  and now own and have no trouble with. “I’ll teach those people at Carvana! I’ll sell my car after they already took my money and don’t give a shit anymore!”