
That’s exactly what I said. The merchant pays the 2-3% and passes the expense on to you. So if you are not getting reward points, you are just paying an extra 2-3% and getting nothing in return. Sucks you have to play the game like this but that is the cost of convenience to use a card. If every business gave a

THIS! I will add to that a debit card can actually hurt you very badly if someone steals your info. CCs have protections where you get the charges wiped off immediately, but if your debit card is stolen, you are on the hook and lose all that money until the bank can figure out what happened. Even then you may still be

No, I don’t like Ramsey because he thinks credit cards are the devil, and taking out loans on cars and houses are basically like chopping your moms left arm off. These things are not evil, they are tools that need to be used responsibly, but tools none the less. I bet Ramsey would tell you to dig a hole with your

Nope, I treat them just like my debit card. I am not just whipping them out because I have them. I don’t understand how people think like that, a dollar on my CC is still a dollar coming out of my bank at the end of the month and to think otherwise is just stupid. They are a financial tool I use just like cash but

Maybe not exactly, but it is using someone else’s money temporarily to buy things, so kinda. It is definitely not something Ramsey would advise. 

I am figuring that out reading this thread hahaha. It’s crazy how simple math boggles the mind because that is all personal finance is just with a dollar sign on the front. Money in, money out, how much is left this month, repeat. Make a simple monthly and yearly budget and track where your money goes.

Exactly! Just adding up normal life expenses like gas, groceries, utilities, insurance, etc is thousands you are spending every year, why not get some of that back? I have the money in the bank and act like I am spending cash, and if you think otherwise with a credit card, THAT is where you get screwed. It is not

Maybe YOU would spend more using a credit card, but I treat it just like my debit card. I am not just whipping them out because I have them. I don’t understand how people think like that, a dollar on my CC is still a dollar coming out of my bank at the end of the month and to think otherwise is just stupid. They are a

When CCs get rid of rewards points, and banks raise interest rates, I will stop using them. I will NOT give the bank money to use my CC. In fact, YOU are paying for my rewards because almost all businesses now bake in an extra 2-3% in prices because of people like me using high reward CCs and costing businesses extra

You know who I really like, Suze Orman. I have not seen many of her videos, but all of the ones I have seen are people calling up like “I have $20k in CC debt and a car loan that is underwater and needs repair, but I want to buy a new $3,000 Gucci bag, should I do it?” And she just stares at the camera with a look of

That just does not make sense. How do you have a degree in finance yet I have a better lock on my finances than you apparently, and I have a degree in IT. If you can’t manage a simple personal budget without Ramsey, I would definitely not trust you with my money professionally. 

Sounds like Ramsey works for you because you admit you do not have financial acumen. If it works, great! But for people like me who have a serious lock on their finances already, I would be throwing money way listening to Ramsey.

Wow, how about just treat everyone the same and don’t racial profile? What a concept!! Instead, now you have people driving around without lights and endangering people because police can’t behave themselves.

Thank you! So many people treat Ramsey as gospel, but if you can manage your money, Ramsey is the OPPOSITE of the advice you should be taking. The amount of money you can make using credit cards with rewards (and paying them off every month) and taking out low interest loans WAY offsets the mental issues you may have h

Did not know that, which makes the light even worse! 

Seriously, looks like something you buy at autozone for $25, right next to the underglow and light up skull hitch cover.

Are they going to make people with light up Merc stars get them removed as well? 

Seriously?! With the number of people I see driving at night without lights on, you would think they would INCREASE stops for this infraction, not stop them. I can’t remember the last time I was driving at night and didn’t see at least 1 or 2 people without lights. 

Seriously, just sold mine in January and should have held on for another year or so while the market grows. People are really getting into the MR2 Spyders all of the sudden.

I spy another fine convertible in the background, a green MR2 Spyder!