
LMAO!! Spoken like a true Trump fan. You are hilarious putting context into words I never said. Maybe you should learn English better so you understand what all the words I said mean. That’s all I have to say about that.

Who said anyone was offended? I just pointed out that what you are saying would not work if everyone thought like you and is the definition of hypocrisy. You sound like a Trumper or one of those anti-maskers who says you need to care about my rights and no one elses.

Wow, talk about hypocrisy! You can’t insist on going into someones house to buy but then refuse to let people in when you sell. If everyone were like you, nothing would ever get sold.

Wasn’t just the Redline, it was all v6 Vue models 2004 and up. Redline is literally suspension and looks, no added power. Also has the Honda trans.

Sounds like that particular driver might be anti-mask and I hope they get covid from their cavalier attitude towards the whole issue. Although at the same time, I bet they would keep working with covid and spread that shit everywhere. 

Fuck no they don’t.

Exactly, why even make it a possibility to open the frunk when driving? Remote or interior button, neither should do a damn thing over 0mph.

Seriously, he lost me at the blindspot camera thing. No even close to applicable for flying with all the different axis and directions that would need monitored unless you equipped every Cessna and Piper with $100,000+ camera rigs and probably max out the weight limits. That’s like me asking why all cars don’t have

Not in Outlook. Those moved messages do NOT count towards the unread number.

Hope you never have to CYA because slack is not going to be a good place to do that. Email is a permanent, searchable record so when someone fucks up, I can tell you exactly who or what did it via an email chain. I bet you have a few people who don’t like you because of using Slack like this because people like to be

Those should be filtered into another folder then with mail rules so your main inbox only has important emails you care about. I probably have 50 mail rules filtering emails into a dozen different folders so when I get an email, I know it is important.

I bet you don’t have 1000 emails you need to take action on though. A reasonable amount of unreads is fine, like 20-50, but more than that is just ridiculous. You either need to use mail rules to filter that or read your damn emails because I guarantee you are missing some important ones.

Filter that shit! Outlook has mail rules for a reason, send that stuff right to the trash if it isn’t useful to you. How many important emails are you missing because they are stuck between a bunch of bullshit emails??

Why would that be a bad thing? If you are not reading your emails, you are not doing your job. I keep like 20-30 unread emails but it have read them and leave them as “unread” just to remind me I need to do something about it. If I had 1000 unread emails, that would mean I am not doing shit about them and should

And if that doesn’t work, their job selling supplements on Facebook and playing the lottery will do the trick!

LOL at the grandkids selling your car. I’d be rolling in my grave, drive the damn thing! The car they would be selling for me would be my 2015 Mustang GT. I love that car and for the first time in my life, I plan to own that car forever! (Unless I upgrade to a GT350 lol) If manuals were not dying, I might not have

Ahh, I can see that. I guess I have never needed all 8 ft of vertical space in a truck before. Most I have done is a fridge or something, but I figure if you are going to be needing that space, that truck is not for you. It’s probably more for people like me who hauls things maybe 5 times a year and rarely fills the

How are you missing vertical space? It still has an open bed for the most part except the 2 feet inside the cab.

Which is hilarious because most of them are poor as fuck. “Temporarily embarrassed millionaires” everywhere!!

Thank you! Definitely would not have been worth my time watching that, especially if it can be summed up in just 20 words lol