
Dad, you need to log off.

So this thief’s methodology is to ... Passat on?

Former soldier here. I care, even though I never went to the academy. My father-in-law (former sailor) and I have been blasting each other texts and memes all week as we always do in the run up.

For every “deep” or “real” woman that Woody Allen has written/created (and I would argue some of those characters are vastly overrated), there’s an equally cringe-worthy one he’s unleashed upon the public. Consider the following roles, which range from merely unremarkable to downright awful, stereotype-laden, dreck:

Tom Izzo’s use of “compliance girl”suggests that he takes this all very, very seriously.

first season prediction: they maximize myriad robust synergies whilst simultaneously leveraging pre-existing yet forward looking infrastructure methodologies. also, lose a lot.

It also appears to be very very sad about something.

INBOX: [SPAM] Re: re: re: re: Greetings from Nigeria!

Good. A broken hip often marks the beginning of the end for a lot of older folks. It’s the nudge onto a downward spiral of fractures, hospitalizations, infections, nursing homes, bed sores, pneumonia, to eventual death.

Tebow’s NFL highlights should be more than sufficient to counter the idea of white supremacy.

Your pretentious misuse of ‘whomever’ renders your opinion invalid.

(a show which, incidentally, revolved around a click of piggish Hollywood males)

Now playing

“Ladies and gentlemen, don’t brace yourselves”

Doesn’t he know that the rules changed a few years back? Catchers aren’t allowed to defend home like that anymore.


From the Reading Comprehension Tees

Oldest trick in the book. Jimmy’s gonna fill his bindle with everyone else’s clothes.

Could be worse, their players could be kneeling during the national anthem.

Go fuck yourself.

You almost wish a company like ESPN had some way of knowing how this would have played with their employees beforehand.