
as someone who only ever heard my dad use ‘nignog,’ i’m so curious about your use of it

man, what a bummer, but glad to have heard this review. i’ve been thinking about a 18 or 19 Transit Connect for the family, and only had limited experience in them (as GSA vans for travel). i don’t want to go soccer-mom van with unnecessary trim, and was hoping the Transit would be a ‘rustic’ way to get where i wanted

because i was subjected to it this week, you must now suffer with me...

Caitlin Sewell, future Fox News Legal Analyst

God, this is terrible. Could somebody please find Ja Rule?!”

um, the car is actually called Dylan

this is just great. made me excited for another race weekend, and another season, and those to come after. thank you!

this was 100% my first actual dream car. as a 14yo about to get a permit, this was literally the best, most accessible vehicle i could hope to drive.

hear, hear. it’s my favorite part of a (pre) GP.

the Monza shitshow was exactly WHY qualifying is great.

i understand the Framers were indeed big proponents of "dibs"

gun humpers: “I nEeD mY frEEdumZ! ... let’s track more personal information!!!”

currently parental leave in the US is the corporate equivalent of “tolerance.”

i’d love a staff roundup of personal regimen preferences at a coin-op self-service car wash: what you do, what you skip, how long you spend on each knob setting, etc...


yeah, fuck her experience and anyone with one like it!

anecdata: the best data. bigly.

hope no one touches this

where do i get the checkerboard jersey tho #zivilaHrvatska