
Scary how fast such a bullshit official response was ready to fire.

+1 English Literature degree (market value: -10 stars)

This is both so believable and tasty, I desperately wish it were true.


Now playing

VICE recently sent in a couple hipster reporters.

This is the finest combination of ink blot test and dog whistle ever.

“I love you, Andrea. You are indefatigable. You’re my kind of woman.”

The Shabbat example isn’t appropriate though, because men and women are equally required to observe.

Advocates for this kind of legislation/punishment/logic are somehow the ones who also assert “guns don’t kill people.”

“It’s Flying. Kicking. Ulyanov!”

Dig the “eagle with boobies” logo.

I want an entire series of Dr. Katz doing his thing: intently buzzing around crime scenes like a Doozer and flirt-fighting with attorneys.

I’d watch it on fucking loop if it made any appreciable difference.

Over/under on degrees of separation between him and family heritage of UK donors?

You are invited to my chambers immediately following court for sauvignon blanc, jalapeño poppers and a Living Single marathon.

BREAKING: Julian Edelman dislocates finger tying cleats.