Seeing “jibes” used properly warms my heart.
Seeing “jibes” used properly warms my heart.
The Runners category is way too broad. Marathoners, Extreme Racers come immediately to mind.
Is there a popular statistic or trope that I’m not aware of that makes 34% off = 78 cents on the dollar?
Avoiding having to judge the veracity and intent of speech, except in limited public safety cases, is the exact point of the First Amendment. Otherwise I’d be happy (and completely wrong) to drop in and determine exactly how ‘Christian’ these Good News clubs are.
Baylor officials: “C’mon guys, let’s make sure this stuff stays in-house.”
“Actually, I was kidding, you can get that baby out of here,” Trump said.
A ticket without Davos is no ticket at all. Fuck the system. #feelthecold #butnotwithyourrighthand
“Stop trying to make Baylor happen.”
And any corn shriveled to the point of being unrecognizable.
I JUST had this conversation with a coworker. I am a fat kid who had every awesome (terrible) snack food as a child, and had NEVER heard of these. Were they regional, cultural, etc.? WHERE DID THEY COME FROM?!
Celebrity obsession: what could go wrong?…
Anyone else astounded to learn she was only 53? Seemed like she (or her persona I guess?) was that age back in her ‘heyday’...
This was an enlightening and near-aneurysm-inducing podcast for me about the waking nightmare that is the dealership model.
There is no way in this medium to communicate how happy this comment has made me. Excellent.
“Horseplay.” -Caligula