
Travolta for Governator.

A mat is essential if you’re trying a standing desk setup. With one, you don’t worry about choosing footwear, and it can be a huge difference, depending on the floor in your office.

AKA Alabama Water.

Vote Republican, y’all!

Play calling on the final drive beat the Spartans: Weak zone on the first play, weak blitz on the second play. Textbook terrible.

“...a savage, uncivilized country when it comes to unborn children.” Once they’re born, though, fuck ‘em.

The strength coaches almost always serve as the ‘get-back’ coaches, or the dudes tasked with keeping players back from the sideline. Having been on the sidelines in college, you would be amazed how much this is actually needed. The strength coaches are actually (usually) a pretty elegant solution: guys the school is


I have like minimal tennis skill and can do this.

And people say college doesn’t prepare you for the real world...

My wife is fucking TOUGH, and her procedure knocked her on her ass day-of and day after. Bring someone for support, and take a sick day in advance, in the event you have the same reaction.

Classic case of “I kinda get what you’re trying to say” happening. But often that means giving the speaker too much credit.

Just a reminder that his nickname is Top Titty.

You can tell by the shoddy craftsmanship that yes, I in fact made this. Slightly better version:


