"I always say no."
"I always say no."
Chief Justice Brown: Can we just set precedent that any Gaggle of White People Publishing Something (e.g. most media outlets) is Not Shade until further notice?
Shade thought experiment: If Iggy Azalea's birth name were revealed to in fact be Igloo Australia, would this render all previously-declared shade non-shade?
As a former member of Hollywood Curling Club, I hereby submit my application to be Deadspin's curling analyst.
I've always wondered on flights like this if the effect felt by the pilots-passengers is similar to the driver-passenger principle in a car. Passengers in the back of a van feel any small corrections way more than the driver. I suppose that's why pilots train for things like this...and I guess I calm my turbulence…
Hoo boy, this guy is gonna learn the hard way not to push a rich old white guy.
You mean "TD" passes.
Please tell me that's real, and then give me the context.
My favorite part is that either everyone on the pitch automatically knows how to handle goats, or that they all just followed the lead of the initial horn-grabber.
When you give the Kardashians fame and treat the Real Housewives like royalty, I honestly don't know what you expect.
The overall awesome of this whole deal is completely undermined by his spelling of 'cheep.'
"Ladies and gentleman..."
You know who wouldn't make any money if it weren't for players? Darren Rovell.
Really bummed-happy that Pixar is bringing my children's book idea to life.
To be fair, Bill would feel more ashamed if he allegedly rapped.
If I've learned anything with the recent elections, it's that this issue, like all complex issues in America, will be resolved with the following argument:
How much of the money gets back to Koushun Takami again? Oh, right.
All I get from this is further proof that kids are idiots.