
Whatever amount of work went into the half-second featuring Gozer PAID. OFF.

You can feel the superiority coming off the Parcells Tree. Pop at least seems to appreciate that this is part and parcel with being paid millions of dollars to coach a game for entertainment purposes. Belichick et. al. would have you believe they're gifting you with their time.

Hopefully this makes everyone go out and listen to more Blackalicious. Great stuff.

Understood, and appreciated. I guess I'm just astounded by how foreign this seems to me, and how easily others take to it.

I can claim no understanding of how my gender thinks this to be appropriate.

Jimbo Fisher is either the most naive person in Florida or the worst. There's no room for anything in between at this point.

I don't want to think of a blade anywhere near my dick during sex.

Seeing a driver with their hands firmly at 10 and 2 is the SCARIEST FUCKING THING ON THE ROAD.


"Have it our way or get fucking shanked."

Privacy: not sharing your pictures on a public medium.

Yeah, but the translation is "Go home dirty immigrants."

This guy is a fucking Zen master.

I feel the exact same way about professional wrestling.

Please, actually DON'T do this. There's a reason policies are in place, and they're (granted not always, but) usually in students' best interests.