Batshit McGee

+1 Dad bod?

Fun fact: Benicio del Toro’s current project is playing the lead in a Showtime miniseries about the escape from Clinton Correctional Facility in upstate New York a few years ago. Ben Stiller is directing this masterpiece and I have to assume it’s getting 8 parts because they had to write a bigger role for the Andrew

If it wins Best Picture, I think it’ll be the worst winner since Dances With Wolves. I’ll take Crash over this piece of shit movie any day. At least the assholes in Crash are believable. The movie has some of the most poorly written characters in a movie ever. And I fucking loved In Bruges.

Gawd, thank you. The person I saw it with was floored that I didn’t think it was an astonishing masterpiece. My overall takes:

1. The director clearly is/was not from that area and has/d no idea of the local culture
2. There’s a lot of crappy wish-fulfillment in how these characters keep doing things that don’t make

I don’t hate Three Billboards because it was morally and politically terrible, I hate it because it was just a bad fucking movie. Drew, as always, sees me.

Not only that but actual liquor stores can and are held responsible for drunk drivers, if they sell alcohol to people that are intoxicated. Liquor stores have more rules than gun stores. My uncle owned a Package store until he retired, and he was audited by the state and county police regularly, sometime monthly.

I didn’t realize 7-11's only reason to exist was to intentionally create drunk drivers.

I saw them for free in 1998 when they played on an empty block in Minneapolis. Twenty years later, I think I’d probably top out at $20 for the nostalgia factor.

Capitalism will never make them go away. Gun nuts love buying guns. Their desire for the feeling of power that comes with owning a boom stick is WAY more important to them than the safety of others.

I saw SP at the Whiskey back when Gish was first released. Someone in the crowd screamed out for Freebird and Corgan responded, “Suck my dick if you want Freebird.”

And it turns out his personality is even more annoying.

His voice really is horrible, isn’t it? He could never sing. I wonder to myself how we missed that in the 90s, and I guess it’s very loud guitars and very clever videos. There’s tons of guys in the rock pantheon who can’t really sing though.

“with even nosebleed seats in a number of places going for more than a hundred dollars”

Heavy metal is still a bfd. Especially internationally. There just isn’t MTV anymore to put it in the mainstream consciousness.

No, more akin to winning a NASCAR race and then an Indy race within days. Same theory, but totally different vehicles, with totally different behaviors.

People who prefer the Summer Olympics to the Winter Olympics mystify me. Shit like this is so much better than horsefuckers dancing to shitty string-quartet covers of pop music.

This is the darkest day in Canadian history since Tim Horton’s car exploded.

Can we talk about how tacky/tasteless Bobrova and Soloviev’s program was?

My wife heard me play this and is now almost on the floor laughing.