Batshit McGee

he made his way across the country in a “big rig” before being dropped off by a “McDonald’s near a tall building” Monday night.


“New” normal? This is new?

In reality there are two opposing physical reactions; First is your internal organs attempting to exit your anus. Second is the very real chance of death or brain trauma from your spine being forced upwards into your cranial cavity through the brain. Keep in mind every nerve in your body terminates there.

You’re happy Russia’s there? I’m not American and don’t have a hatred for Russia as a whole, but fuck their Olympic team. They’ve stolen hundreds of medals and their drug testing labs literally cheat. They’re not even clever about it and pass the testing like Armstrong.

Seriously. Fuck Russia.

+1/2 life

Damn! You lose one super bowl and suddenly you’re seeing the boogie man everywhere... Pats fans are the worst.

All I remember about the CK apology is that it weirdly took the opportunity to plug his lineup of TV shows. Maybe not the best time and place.

I don’t really see how not being allowed on Boston sports radio can be considered a punishment.

<Not funny Mike Pence gay penis joke>

Are we sure that Pence didn’t cover mothers eyes when he came out?

When I grew up, life seemed simpler. Kids didn’t have all these distractions. Now, there’s so much more competition, so much more peer pressure. The suicide rate is just out of control. Bullying is out of control.

Sports Baby Stare Down!

I’d like to think that I showed poise last night by not destroying anything and passing out in the hallway of Monk’s Cafe (don’t worry, it wasn’t open).

Jason Mendoza does not approve of this attitude.

Well that was intense.