
Shoulder crabmeat is a great seafood for Bowieabaisse.

Well, I gotta maintain a sense of humor about the stupid Highmark/UPMC situation. What I would really like to do is get a dozen of the top executives from each entity that are most responsible for the current clusterfuck, place them in a huge sphere, lock them in, rotate it around a couple of dozen of times around

Now there’s some solid local humor. Well done

Epidermal adherence aside, yinzer #43 bears a large part of the blame. The correct tactic in a situation like this is to wait and wait, lulling your opponent into thinking his blow will land, and then sidestepping just before the moment of impact.

Damn, came here to make a similar joke, but I can’t match that delivery. 

Immediately read this in Chris Farley’s voice. Thanks for the chuckle.

Oh, that’s who they were. I thought they were Highmark and UPMC executives.

I love a Deadspin deep cut. 

They had to attempt the headbutt again after the first one was called back for offsides.

As you can see later in the video, the blow struck the man in the ideal spot, right at the top of the nose, where the cartilage meets the bone at the bridge. The issue was that the strike was redirected, possibly due to the greasiness of his victims face, which decreased the overall effectiveness of the strike. This

Steelers Fan Eats A Headbutt 

At any rate, I’m hoping the mayor of Pittsburgh and his chief of staff can sort their differences out soon for the good of the city.