

No fighting, Smoochy was brilliant and wonderfully demented. The people that don’t like it are the type that drink decaf cold brew.

At around 6'4” and 1.5 tons, Knickers the Holstein Friesian is “unofficially Australia’s biggest steer,” according to

Danny Devito’s work as a director has always gone wildly underappreciated. Matilda was a wonderfully crafted and executed work with superb acting, each one bringing those Dahl characters to life.

No one gets high and doesn’t understand what’s happening. It’s fucking weed. Anyone who smokes can still consent. What abou nicotine or coffee? Draw the line somewhere.

To clarify, I’m not saying Kim is absolutely telling the truth or that she has never lied about anything in her life. It’s possible she’s lying, it’s possible Ray J is lying, and it’s also possible she’s telling the truth.  I’m just saying on a feminist site, the consent issue should have at least been mentioned,

A friend of mine has seen the tape. After very careful inspection of the video, they reported back that she appeared very lucid and capable of giving consent.

What else has he got, really?

I think claiming she was in an altered state when she made (presumably in her mind) regrettable decisions is her way of not taking full responsibility. So, yeah, she had something to gain.

Kim K wasn’t high on anything. She seemed quite down.

There’s a lot of people who would cut off a financial limb or several to get away from a terrible spouse. I guess it’s good that Will Smith is not so awful that Jada Pinket-Smith would be willing to go to the trouble of divorcing him? But they’ve both been asked about this so many times it would be surprising if they

Will Smith just screams "inferiority complex" to me. I read a blind item that claimed Will made Jada quit Gotham because he doesn’t want her to have a better career than he does. He hasn’t acted in much lately, not since his attempt at Oscar-bait with that concussion doctor, which was panned by the critics, mostly

Lol I’m sure Ray J was thrilled to see this sex tape nonsense in the news again. It was probably like Christmas morning for him.