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    Biggie would mask. The hologram should mask.

    Let’s not forget that every cop corrupted by the MAFIA in NYC was White, too.*

    It is a little-known fact the we Whites got together and revoked his White Card. Now he’s just “human.”

    “Paging Dr Schadenfreude, stat”

    MANY Black folk.

    You remember Uncle Joe - he was the one who was afraid to cut the cake. Now, who wants to join me as I drive my chrome three-wheeler to Fire Lake?

    What, you aren’t proud that America sent you to kill the yellow man?

    As a Florida resident, let me explain: Cubans don't think of themselves as Hispanic. They don't identify as Latinx. Then only Cubans who are not right wings are Afro-Cubans who have experienced the way America treats Blacks.

    Yeah, the whole “wartime President” thing would have worked for him. We’re lucky he was too stupid to stay with that one.

    I don’t believe that COVID-19 is a bioweapon interred to kill Blacks.

    Yeah, sexting pics is infidelity in my book.

    You know, “cunt” is the root word of “cunning,” so it really doesn’t work for me as an insult. Also, as the loyal owner of two fine bitches, I have observed that calling a man a “dog” is a complement in some circles. In this context I would call your ex-friend-now-with-your-ex a “treacherous, manipulative, probably-pox

    You know, the Blacks showed us the way -

    Or nudes of Mickey.

    You are vengeful. Do not be ashamed. Own it.

    That’s not as creepy as the 13-year old girl with serious problems moving in.

    For her community service she should have to tutor poor kids at crappy high schools who nonetheless want to attend good colleges.


    Who detoxes in the Bahamas?

    David Crosby was Drew Barrymore’s sober living mentor. She moved into his house when she did recovery at 13.