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    Samson, huh? So his power derived from his hair!

    If Rump wins, “Law and Order” will be a very ironic choice.

    The militia nutjobs have privilege, but take a close look and see how little they’ve done with it.

    On Inauguration Day 2017, my wife and I arranged to be out of the country.


    Never been seed by an D.O. and would never allow it. I’m careful about the credentials of my health care providers. 

    Snide-O-Mite, I wish you were my sister! Or at least, my bartender.

    ChaoticInsomniac, I loved your New Mexico story and “Demon.” Thanks for the nice words.

    Here’s hoping for JazzFest 2022! (I don’t think we’ll have a vaccine in time for 2021, alas.) NOLA is wonderful and ‘Fest is wonderful! Book your AirBnB at least nine months in advance if you want one near the Fairgrounds. (If you can handle a quarter-mile walk, get anything close to the trolly tracks, because the

    Imagine if The Joker got COVID-19 ...

    The only remaining question is, How will he write this off on his taxes.

    Amen. Some of Eddie Murphy’s best work, and Steve Martin’s. Now that I think of it, Christine Baransky, too.

    Maybe they can get Maria Bartiromo to dress up in a slutty nurses outfit.”

    I only use the ones made out of pewter.

    Regarding credentials: he’s a D.O. - an osteopath, not an M.D. (aka a real doctor).

    When In New Orleans

    When In New Orleans

    Oh, fuck that. She lied to protect Parscale’s career and the family income. They’re Repugs- They don’t have human responses, the financial spreadsheets are always updating in the back of their minds. Furthermore, I’m sure that RNC operatives have already gotten to her with their threats and carrots.

    You don’t win elections in a stupid, malicious country by being smart You drop down to the level at which the voters live.

    Ten doctors working on his case is too many. I suggest that a single person be assigned to coordinate communications and develop a plan for his care.