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    As a AC tress’s looks are part of her “product” - one of the reasons she’s pIs so much. Therefore, it’s permissible to “review” her looks as much as it is to asses her talents (if any).

    She’s a notorious $cientologist. Recruiter, apologist, donor - she’s all in.

    GOING CLEAR II: The Keithening

    I recent found out that cult has a name: “Whites.”

    Oh, please don’t! We need you! And it’s Pumpkin Spice Season!

    The Federal Government gives grants for police work and gives away piles of that paramilitary junk that makes things so much worse. That’s how counties and towns with a population of 50k have a chopppers: military surplus

    Is there such a thing as a radical tediumist? Joe Biden is a radical tediumist.

    Congress made him an honorary American.

    Seven victims known (and who believes he stopped at seven?).

    Yes, but give him credit: his whole mediocre-man-failing-upwards has been entirely without the help of $cientology’s Celebrity Center.

    Just think of how the intimidators will “dress up” in open carry states.

    So sad to see the Kavanaugh playbookexecuted by my former allies.

    The Larry King clip.

    How many of these pets are going to be abandoned once the bars reopen?

    Having studied the allegations made by Ms Reade, and the extensive supporting evidence, I can no longer vote for Joe Biden. Just as we have a choice between two old white men, now we have a choice between two rapists. Did anybody notice how similar the assault against Ms Reade was to Trump’s assault on E Jean? I never

    TBF, as a diabetic I sometimes get yeast infections (sweet sweat) that initiate other infections. So about once a month, per doctor’s orders, I take a bleach bath. It’s a thing. Google it.

    I have a hard time about these two doing a “tell-all” because o don’t think anything remains untold.

    Sure he does! They made it to the NBA semi-finals last year!

    So cynical in one so young. Surely you know that time is a flat circle?

    JOE NEEDS STACY! Pass it on...