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    I’m over by the table with the Bushmill’s.

    I gave up on social distancing. Now I just spray bleachwater on the hands and face of anyone who gets near me. I call it “social disinfecting.”

    Boiled bear  claw

    Personally, I find more healing power in Cabernet.

    And it’s so much worse, because as Putin just said, Russia has fewer than 1000 cases.

    Hang in there Sonia. NOLA needs you and we all need you. 

    I won’t feel I really understand social distancing until I see a full season of it on The Batchelor. 

    I don’t feel the need to repeat Faux News conspiracy theories; I like more creative ones.

    Now It Can Be Told: he was delivering chloroquine to orphans!

    That was my routine for years, but he actually does a lot of charity work plus the whole King of the Hill thing was pretty funny.

    Sounds like eating his meals is a real Tribulation.

    Replace the basket with a bucket of bleach.

    Yes, I am classically American. I don’t like seeing our troops for, I don’t like killing strangers and I don’t like it that my money pays for it.

    I’m not primarily referring to the Afghans, I’m mostly concerned for US. Can we afford to deal with the virus while we shovel billions of dollars into that pit?

    Solution: California and New Yawk need to move their primaries to February. We have progressive Democratic majorities in those legislatures. DO IT.

    I guess he’s “Right-Wing Joe” because his left wing is broken?

    Dunk the ball in bleach after every basket.

    I thought out-work-basketball players could always go to Italy.

    It’s too late to stop the spread of COVID-19 misinformation. The spam I get selling masks and quack cures, the memes about eating bats and Big Pharma hoarding “the cure” until they can price it higher, and above all, every fumbling, inarticulate work out of the Bigly One and Faux News - too late. Did you know that the

    I knew they weren’t real. No mention of how much women LOVE HIM.