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    Please do not forget that most white people voted for Trump because he’s an avatar of their ideal selves.

    Dude, ALL of Trump’s tweets show his incompetence.

    James Bakker - only 80s kids will remember him - recently tried to become relevant again by selling bogus COVID-19 preventives - the same brand as Alex “False Flag” Jones.

    Yeah, white pastors - ALL pastors - shear their flocks until they bleed. This is such a phenomenon among white preachers that they invented the “Prosperity” gospel so they could do it openly.

    For the sake of his soul, I hope he has every penny taken away, because, y’know, rich man and heaven.

    Now tell us how you feel about Chuck Mangione.

    Terminating our misadventure in Afghanistan is not “shit the can wait.”

    Point of information: it wasn’t that “another man confessed to the crime” that cleared the CP5. It was that DNA evidence proved that he, AND ONLY HE, committed the crime.

    As it should be, though personally I would have gone with “Holiday in Cambodia.”

    We have no idea what the actual test result was”

    I can totally see Donnie ordering the Secret Service to dismantle Eric because Iwanka needs a new pancreas or something.

    a celebration, not a day of mourning.”

    Paula White has the mark of Cain upon her!

    Ok, they’re dating, but what we really wanted to know is whether they’e hoysunfruggjn. People have been know to do that without “dating.”

    “London’s Calling”:

    I always thought it was 5 Below that supports terrorist insurgents. Live and learn.

    Did you know that the Ark up in Tennessee DOESNT EVEN FLOAT?

    Garret, does your diary contain scathing critiques of TV show you saw once for fifteen minutes and songs on the radio you couldn’t quite hear because everybody was talking? ‘Cuz otherwise, what’s the point.

    I bought a big bottle of Jack.”

    Baking is not my favorite way to do a low-moisture squash. By the time I get caramelization, it’s overcooked.