My dad did this — let his teeth literally rot out of his head. He eventually developed congestive heart failure, and it was only then that we found out that heart disease and tooth decay are connected:
My dad did this — let his teeth literally rot out of his head. He eventually developed congestive heart failure, and it was only then that we found out that heart disease and tooth decay are connected:
Also, can someone please de-grey me? I’ve been commenting on Jezebel for as long as it’s been around, I have no idea why I’m still in the greys.
So is this horrible thing really that well attended?
He thinks that being gay and eating people are directly, exactly equivalent. He actually argues that gays and lesbians would be killing and eating people in the street if it weren’t for that pesky murder statute.
Canada. We have both nation-wide gay marriage (had that for a decade) and a Liberal PM who plans to legalize weed.
Mais Non! He has a wife who has popped out 5 children, 4 girls and a boy. So he’s having sex. I’ve been listening to Swanson as my favorite hate-fest for a couple of years now, and my money’s on ‘unmedicated manic-depressive’.
The one that really got to me was up on campus last year: a photo of an egg beside a photo of a newborn, and the caption on the top was “The only difference is time!”
It’s true that the cheaply made stuff often lives as long or longer than the more expensive stuff, mostly because both items are often made in the same factories by the same starved 12 year olds.
Are you in Saskatoon? I feel your pain...but the Bay is not as bad as it used to be.
And, of course, whether you want them to or not, they should stock the place: replace/purchase the booze, the expensive cheese, the milk or coffee cream or special tea, or whatever it is that they took the last of.
Dear god, do people need this explained to them? You're welcome to go out and meet your other friends in a bar, or to crash at their place if you are so inclined, but you NEVER invite anyone to the house of someone you're a guest at.
The UK has the best bras, at least for me: their DEPARTMENT STORES stock sizes like 28G. Wondrous and much, much cheaper than specialty stores.
I've got to say — he probably doesn't have any money. People who make a good living (or who have family money, or investments) usually don't scream about it like this. Traders are dickwads, but they're usually a different kind of dickwad.
Yes. I'm over 50 and single: I just basically have to realize that I'll never have a relationship again, period.
Oh, I agree. It's appalling. But most intro courses are now taught by contingent faculty — adjucts or sessionals, hired by the course or by the term and subject to termination at any time. These people are subject to massive pressure from administrators who want to see particular students pass.
I don't know about the rest of your comment, but I can guarantee that the instructor who gave that paragraph an A- instead of the F it deserves only did so because they were instructed to, and because they knew that if they didn't they would lose their job.
I do this too: "Nothankyou[click]"
This is absolutely true. I had never lived anywhere with fewer than a million people before I moved to Saskatchewan (the Canadian equivalent of North Dakota). I had also never weighed more than 145 pounds. After a year eating out of the cafeteria and going outside as little as possible, I was 50 pounds heavier: I…
The hard part of Saskatoon is knowing that it won't melt till May. Maybe April if we're lucky.
But if you don't do this the pipes will explode. Trust me.