
you have to wake up pretty early to get one by you. Happy April 1, Leonard.

a round of applause for lasthingtodo, everybody. good thing you were here today, buddy, and in no way were able to see any sarcasm or humor in any one else's comments. i'm really proud of you.

granted he should be punished, but aren't we always hearing about over-crowded prisons in this country? i can't see how throwing someone in prison for as long as this dingus got sent away making any sense.

nooo. i don't think they did. i can see it was photoshopped. obviously fake.

lame. totally obvious these are photoshopped.

you're soft. you t0ok down my posts.

plus the jokes on you. you look you live in chechnya.

am i missing a joke here? is the fact people playing a fucking annoying game differently than how you play it this big of a deal to you? jesus, i can't imagine if someone around you eats an entree with the salad fork. OMYGODGETITONVIDEO!

they're the meanest of all the ad wizards.

class move by the bruins. what a gesture.

always happy to help out a brother seamus. good luck this year.

don't be upset. i appreciated your comment.

new york pretty much almost lost the revolutionary war. made washington look like an idiot. how far back do you want to go, a-hole?

that was actually a really good documentary. i still think these dudes are bat-shit crazy, but this told their story nicely.

wicked disappointed hearing this dude has a british accent. somehow, that accent seems more similar to us, where as the russian kids having no regard for their own lives seems both normal and expected. if a brit can do it, why not one of us? now i feel soft and weak for not doing handstands on giant antennas or


the Uni! that's the one. i've had to buy these in bulk on amazon because i can't find them any longer.

and whether i am right or wrong, this is fun. keep it coming, detective. feed me.

i bet whenever your team plays the red sox and wins this season you'll remember this exchange and feel vindicated, as if your sports team was considering you when they beat a team. and you'll feel as if you contributed. you will hold on to this. because you're sensitive and easy to anger.

you're sensitive.