
yeah, that wasn't the initial point. you're projecting. and you seem easy to anger. sooo, this is going to be fun.

yeah. our large posteriors keep us warm when we're outside enjoying our duck boat championship parades.

uhmmm, my ass is big? damn you get how stuff works.

let me guess. your royals will win it all this year?

I am disappointed you didnt correct me on the 105mm when - as we all know - the t-72 sports a 125mm bore. You're slipping. But you still did all right on the rest of it that you do.

I'm glad you're here. People almost had fun here today. That got way too close.

huh. does spleen mean obvious?

judging by the condition of things around town i'm going to guess pretty high. then again maybe they got shipped bad mixes of quikrete when they built that town. you know, the kinds with 105 mm pock marks when everything dries.

There has to be a safer place to point that cannon when they're driving around, right? I'm two minutes in and the damn thing has pointed at buddy tank like 9 times already!

i just tipped my hat your general direction.

Good point. It scares me a bit to think every time I step in a puddle my foot runs the chance of meeting the same grim end theLusitania met. Much more adorably of course.

It still bugs me a bit when we go down Oscar memory lane that 'Cool Hand Luke' only pulled in the Best Supporting Actor award and nothing else. George Kennedy deserved it, but so too did Mr. Newman as well as the entire flick.

dixie? what gives, Russia?

awesome. if i were a rodent it would be honor to get eaten by one these awesome flying killer machines. but as a human dude i wouldn't like it so much.

That's rough. I know what you mean how it just happens one day with no apparent cause. That ambiguity is incredibly frustrating.

s1, l5 and l4?

That is awful. That pain down the legs is the worst. I had it unilaterally down the left and not bi-laterally like you did. I can't imagine that down both legs.

Back surgery survivor here. I always feel as if I am sparing people the agonizing horror that it was when I call it back surgery and not spine surgery. Ain't for the likes of women and children, as the old timers say.

come on.

Portsmouth makes it worth it. What a place.