
Now you only need to worry about waking up in Tijuana after a night with a splitting headache, a sore anus, a full colon, and a missing kidney.

Cool, then get a radio and store it in your basement until you need it. No need to force auto makers to put it in your car, most likely buried under 3 submenus.

“’unknown cargo detection and evidence collection system’ designed to prevent vehicle owners from becoming a “blind mule” for drug traffickers.”

Considering that Ford’s own Fusion—assembled in Hermosillo, Mexico—frequently came with drugs smuggled somewhere in the factory-to-retail pipeline...this doesn’t surprise me.

Feeling a bit dystopian this morning, Rob? How this car escaped the clutches of The Walking Dead franchise is beyond me. This car will sell fast and drive slowly and anonymously into the future.

We all (Gen Xers) all learned to drive on hand-me-down cars that were dull as a butter knife and barely offered more than a 2-speaker stereo and power windows if you were lucky, and I think this is were we learned some of our resourcefulness and humility. I this this is a great car for a new driver. Or, buy it to take

“Hi I need a set of decent wheels at a decent price”

The seller's honesty makes it NP. 

Seems stupid to brick it since it must be so easy to track.

turning it into a stainless steel brick

Hear me out, maybe it just bricked itself.
It’s a Tesla after all.

He makes pretty cars. That’s pretty much it.

When all else fails, LS swap.

Enjoy paying the money, dumbasses. It’s one thing to drop a cup of hot coffee, but it’s different to deny medical care because of your negligence.

“with an MSRP of around $45,000, you can’t really call the Bolt super affordable.”

This. Those burns were horrific. And the lady originally just wanted them to cover her medical bills. When McDonalds refused, she was forced to lawyer up and take them for everything she could.  And McDonalds deserved it for being recalcitrant shitheads.

If I ever get around to writing a history of GM, it would probably be entitled “....and then GM fucked it up.”

GM is the undisputed champion of ruining their own good ideas. The kings of the ‘concept of a plan.’

The idea that I may have to hand over my phone to a police officer at some point makes this a complete nonstarter for me. I will always have my physical ID on me for that eventuality, and because of that, I will never need a digital version.

It comes just about a year after a pedestrian accident in northern California stopped operation nationwide.