
I didnt even think about NASCAR, especially in the early 1950s when the cars were pretty “stock” The olds 88 with its rocket v8 dominated. That was the most dominate car of its era by far and the GOAT of Oldsmobile race cars.

Poor working conditions, lack of sleep (because you’ve been told to sleep at work), and stress can absolutely have a negative impact on your immune system.

Two senior directors are going around to people’s homes and verifying they are ill? Who exactly is this situation is wasting the most money for Tesla. A hint - it isn’t the line worker.

Legality and reason are not concerns to Musk and his minions.

This is an appropriate response.  Along with looking for jobs with better working conditions.  (Not because they’d be fired, but because they should if the workplace is toxic.)

*laughs in Hilux*

And?  I have a hose.

So, this is what passes for automotive journalism these days?

John Force drove an “Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme” from 1988 to 1993.   Won the funny car championship in 90, 91, and 93 with Olds. So this IS NOT the most winningist Oldsmobile race car as claimed.

This is exactly the questions management should be asking themselves, but won’t. As long as they can find any reason that doesn’t point the finger at them they will decide that is the reason.

I mean, it couldn’t possibly be due to anything management is doing... right? No reason to take an introspective look at their management practices, or how their insane CEO treats them. 

Well, thanks for spreading your colds and flus to the rest of your co-workers. I find this idea about “I never take sick days” to be utterly ridiculous.

You’re upset at an employee using all the sick time that he’s allowed? A whopping 14 days out of the ~250 working days in a year?  

Sorry I can’t answer the door, I’m sick. Also FU

I would attempt to induce vomiting before opening the door and then proceed to hurl a pile of puke on their feet.

If they have enough management to spare for home visits and shirk their actual job, sounds like they have too many in management.

If Germany’s labor protections are so rife for abuse, why is the average sick day usage so much lower across the country than at this one plant?

If my employer showed up at my door checking if I was actually sick I’d THIS IS SPARTA them off my porch.

Germans going door to door checking on people you say?  Tracks with Musk.

Parts should be easy to get.