
Homeowner’s insurance in the laissez-faire wet-dream of a state he lives in, governed by his very own mini-me, is is wildly expensive and getting worse by the second. Let’s see Fascist Inc. control those rates first before we even pretend to believe anything else they say.

The oval office desk drawer with the knob for car insurance prices is right under the drawer with the knob for gas prices. It would be easy to lower prices, but Biden just keeps cranking those knobs up. Sad!

Believe me! Tears in the eyes, big man, macho man, I can do it because the insurance companies like me.”

He has no plan at all for how he would do it. Like everything else that comes out of his mouth - it’s a lie.

I’m sure he has concepts of plans for that too.

It is, first of all, a vehicle cobbled together from junkyard parts. Then all the good stuff has been removed...and availability of those items is very extremely limited. SO if you buy this you are into fabricating your own instrument cluster, trim, R&R of the engine and transmission, upholstery, brakes....well, you

I took the bus and train for over a decade when I lived downtown. Now that I’m back in the suburbs and have a car I occasionally use public transit when necessary.

It might have something to do with just how sketchy public transit can be.

Maybe not public transit per se, but...

Elon asked why. ‘Cause Biden and Harris aren’t childish twats that have bullied/defamed/grifted everyone in their path for decades.

It’s so absurd considering what Kathy Griffin went through for a damn prop photo!

Unlikely that he’s learned anything at all. He’s already been sued for doing so.

Only like two or three times. It’s honestly not that big a deal.

I do wonder if these sorts of institutions have decided it’s cheaper to offer Identity Protection services to the actual people that might be hurt and leave the rest to insurance, washing their hands of the whole mess. 

Hey was replying to himself. That other account is his alt account. He does this all the time. He needs to lose his clearence with the Government as well as be deported from the country. Enough is enough. He, Russia and Saudi Arabia bought Twitter to influence this election. Kick him out today. 

He’s rich, so nothing will happen. If he was a regular person, he’d in sitting in a cell by now. 

Interest rates doesn’t make that much of a difference on car loans. PERIOD.

Many EV leases are already below 1% APR (money factor in lease speak).  So the Fed action is unlikely to affect EV deals much.

A Dining Hall.  Some Amazon lockers.