
Fun fact for the fine folks of Michigan- as sea levels rise and climates warm, get ready for a bunch of rich folks to move to your most picturesque spots, jack up the prices and price you right out of your home and then call you unamerican for daring to be poor in their presence.

Did you know the book Dune was inspired by the dunes of Oregon?”

Ironically the GOP is forcing the US to cede these industries to China because they keep taking money from the oil and gas industry to hold them back. Had the US embraced these industries and renewables decades ago like we should have, the US would be the world leader in them.

Unfair, I don’t think I should have to get what THEY deserve. I don’t deserve an assclown for a president. 

I mean, politics is inherently full of s—t, but he harks back to real Boss Tweed, PT Barnum-level nonsense. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad, and explains why people lose billions in fraud and scams every year—there really is a sucker born every minute. I always ask people why Trump consistently loses in NY and

Because paying for the labor to fix the cars is cheaper than paying for those attorney hours to deal with the inevitable lawsuits by vehicle owners.

I just wish the fucker would die already. Heart attack, stage 5 cancer, whatever. He is a sore on America’s ass. And it absolutely blows me away that somehow the race is close? What in the flying fuck is wrong with people? He is the BEST you can do? And its not just him but all of the other crazy people working for

Because they couldn’t say “legal pressures”

Drumpf, as incoherent as the drunk at the end of the bar, and happens to be ranting about the exact same topics as the drunk at the end of the bar.

Assuming the unintended acceleration was the cause, just gives me another reason to only want vehicles with mechanical connections for everything possible. I’ve had a car continue to accelerate on my twice in my life. I just turned the key off and continued braking 🤷‍♂️

If the seller was smart, he’d advertise that they are Lotus Esprit taillights, give that bad boy some provenance! (Lotus bought them from Toyota)

that 2006 civic si would cost 32,606 without adding in the destination charge in today money and pollute a shitload more and be far more likely to kill you in a crash. there is a reason everything costs more today.

Same scrutiny Snowden went through. A vastly under-reported story was the way Booz Allen Hamilton rubber stamped hundreds of thousands of “background checks” that allowed very unstable & unqualified people security clearances during the first decade of the War on Terror.

He literally has claimed to be left wing, but just like you he doesn’t actually understand the left/right spectrum. Obviously political affiliation wouldn’t soften a clear call to assassinate the President and VP, and the actual left wing of this country barely has any representation or power. The Dems are currently

Point me to a lefty multi-billionaire who threatens personal violence against the president, and I’ll hate that guy, too.

Not saying that as a nation they are particularly warm to outsiders, but their relationship with China is particularly - let’s call it “delicate”- going both ways. And for really good reasons. 

In a recent (now deleted) tweet he wondered aloud why Joe Biden and Kamala Harris haven’t yet been assassinated.


I’m running an ad blocker so I don’t notice. I assume this website wold be unlivable otherwise. I’m showing 42 ads blocked on this page alone.

I remember looking into these as a potential fun daily, I think a review called it an Evo for grown-ups. Survey said they were a reliability nightmare - timing chain problems, rear motor mounts, rear diffs blowing up, excessive clutch wear. And this was worse on the ‘06s.