
Cops going to cop all the way until they try to put the boot down on all of us at once. If we are going to eat the rich we will need to use the cops as the kindling.

I’ma suggest that you could easily call this “David’s Law” in honor of former Jalopnik writer and terminal jeep hoarder David Tracy. If y’all recall, it was legal for him to have cars in the yard of his rental (!) until he pushed his hoarding a bit too far and the city was like, “no, that is not what we meant and you

He probably did whichever one the customer asked for.

Both would be Clean Air Act violations.

The base fine is nothing. Sure, I would like $2.4 million, but that equates to about $10 per device they sold. I’m sure they made way more than that in selling them.

It’s only a matter of time. There are no old and bold squids. His clock is ticking.

“Subjectively cool”?

I miss the days when dumbasses didn’t film their crimes and post them for all to see.

I have an in person only job (in healthcare) and it was great when everyone around town went remote that could, my commute was so much better, my commute is complete shit again.

People are being forced to work in offices that really shouldn’t be, because businesses don’t want to waste their building leases and middle managers want to convince people they’re not useless. Too many people were starting to realise that they didn’t actually need the Michael Scotts of the world looking over their

If you are looking for one of these, it is unlikely that you could start with a lesser quality version and get to where this one is for less money.   NP.

We should be pulling the same shit that the Chinese did, let American companies partner with the Chinese just long enough to learn from their IP, then copy it.

I suspect the new owner will need to be really careful with tire pressure. 

Particularly doing so without the next generation ready to go, it is such a shitty look for Stellantis to have not prepped for such a significant relaunch.

Changes all kinds of stuff

The car retains its factory-fitted lights and signals

Stellantis obviously prefers the pronouns she/it.

Making the exact same car for 20 years and just increasing the size of the V8 and ignoring every other segment didn’t work out as a whole? Weird.

Dumbest mistake I’ve ever made in my car?

Weird how merging a bunch of terrible, poorly run car companies didn’t work out..

Impressive, but why do I picture him camped in the HOV lane doing 57MPH with a line of 100 cars blocked behind him?